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After lunch, they all gather back to the living room. Small chatter and getting to know each other, and before you know it the sun was down. Everyone relaxes, getting comfortable against each other, and Friedrich eyes the piano: "This is a beautiful instrument. Which one of you plays?"

They all fall quiet; it wasn't eerie or like a hushed topic to be said. They all simply fell empty when the mention of the piano was asked. "It was my sister, Beth." Since he was her guest, Jo replied for him, her tone and choice of speech told him enough.

Amy continues, wanting to get used to Beth's name and her piano being talked about "We all play a little. Cathy had taught the basic to everyone..." / "But none so well as her..." Meg wanted to compliment Beth, it felt like a long time since she did.

"It is very hard to lose a sister. I'm sorry." Laurie block the conversation out for a while, looking down at his shoulder where Cathy of resting her head, he expected her to be the first to speak about Beth, maybe even lighten up the mood but she stayed quiet. Seeing her lingering eyes on the piano, told Laurie that she was still accepting the loss.

But what made Laurie smile was that she no longer was hiding it. Old Cathy would be the roof and shelter for everyone, she put others first before herself. So, to see her displaying her emotions made him proud. Shifting carefully not to bump her head, Laurie moved an arm around her waist, almost embracing her in a hug.

They all watch as Friedrich sits down before the piano, it was an odd picture to see. Beth was especially sensitive to that piano, but she would never want the instrument to ever be lonely. As he plays Bach - it is beautiful and elegant, it bought everyone feels safe, almost as if Beth was truly here, gathered too, and watch as the piano filled the room.

The time came, and Friedrich had to leave. Jo had sternly given eyes to her family and friends that she could, and she only will greet her friend. But the March have always been nosy, Mr. Laurence, Hannah, Mr. Brookes, Laurie, and Fred too had slowly become one too

So they watch carefully behind the stairs as Friedrich suggested for Jo visit him only to be turned down bluntly. It started to rain outside, so they watch as he puts up his umbrella and trudges into the evening. Silent filled as Jo stood there a second longer than needed, almost as if missing him and regretting her words. The door closes. Jo turns back around to find everyone staring at her, "What?! Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"What a wonderful man. I hope he comes again; he would be a terrific friend for me." Mr. March said, his cheerful tone had never waver with the tension

"Oh Father, he wasn't here for you!" Meg had to remind him, pointing out the obvious.

"Then who would he be for?" Mr. Laurence asked, causing the young to mentally slap their head for how slow the two can be yet smart with advice.

"Jo! Listen, you love him!" Amy screams out loud. Before Jo fought back, Amy spoke louder, "I may be half as smart as you are but I can see it so plainly, you love him. I have never seen you happier. What else is love? Doesn't she love him Fred?"

"That's a good instinct, you love him," Fred, of course, without a second delay agreed.

Cathy watch as Jo had the gears in her brain move. She still needed a boost, "Go get him, Jo. 'sIt's time you open up to others," She sweetly smile at Jo to encourage which somewhat worked. Turning to the boy beside her, she nudges Laurie's side, "Laurie prepare the horses. We can catch him before he gets to the train,"

"Oh! I'm going too!" Meg calls, and just when Jo wanted to protest more the elder March sibling spoke sternly to her, "You are going, end of discussion. Cathy and Amy is right."

"I never thought I'd prepare a carriage to help Jo March go after a man, but I like it" Laurie smirks, squeezing Cathy's hand before parting ways to get his said task done. "But his moving to California!" Jo tried to get her point straight and Cathy simply responded with the obvious of what everyone saw, "That's a fiction. He was practically begging for a reason to stay."

"But-" / "Enough with the excuses. You need to dress better," Amy pulled Jo up the stairs to change while the others prepare the trip with umbrellas and coats to keep warm.

When all was prepared it was only the siblings doing this. Meg, Cathy, Amy, and Jo, making top speed through the rain. They arrive at the train station. Jo runs in the rain towards the beautifully lit station and the music swells and the thunderclaps.

"GO JO! FIND HIM!" Amy yells out from the carriage,

"I never thought I see the day she chases after a man," Meg smiles, almost crying proudly that her sister had grown.

"She'll be fine. What man doesn't want her?" Cathy chuckle, watching as Jo almost tripped when she took a sharp turn.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now