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Meg is saying goodbye to everyone as she sets off for her adventure to visit Annie Moffat. Mr. Brooke is carrying her baggage, Hannah and the sisters and Marmee are helping with odds and ends, Laurie is 'boxing' with Jo, and Mr. Laurence is there in his proper, 'over-seeing-things' kind of way.

Catherine giggles as she and Beth dance around in mock to all the girls that shall be dancing at the party. Mr. Laurence is watching them with a proud smile on his face and Laurie can't help but smile, too. It feels like a long time since he's had anything but frowns on his face. It feels good to be cheerful and happy again. It feels real, real good.

"HURRY UP YOU TWO! MEG IS GOING TO BE GONE FOR A WEEK!" Amy yelled out for Laurie and Jo's attention, her cheeks flushed red with the exertion of running around in her petticoats, despite it being Meg who was invited.

Amy isn't Amy if she isn't overly dressed like the main attraction there.

Laurie and Jo were brought back to the present. Beth and Catherine stopped dancing and turned to Amy, looking at her with a mixture of giggles and smirks.

"It was so kind of Annie to invite me. Thank you for letting me go, Marmee."

Catherine pulled Amy beside her along with Beth as she mimic Meg's eagerness and princess-like talk about being invited which rose some smiles on them to cheer her younger sisters. Catherine knew it hurt Beth to see her oldest sister part of the family for even a few days and Amy was extremely jealous of the invite, so Catherine made it her goal to give them all her attention.

"Just be who you are, my sweet Meg," Marmee pulled out a beautiful handmade necklace, painted in silver, handing it to her eldest child, "It was mine when I was your age." As Meg and Marmee were having their moment of daughter and mother, Amy had a tight grip on Catherine's arm as Beth did the same on the other which made a confused and scared look appear on Catherine, seeing her youngest two sisters' cheeky grins.

"What is it?" Catherine held her urge to laugh at Amy's serious imitation of the famous Sherlock Holmes, a book Catherine would read to them every night, as Beth merely nod her head at every word put out by Amy, "Well, my dear beloved older sister. You know you can never hide anything from your precious youngest."

Catherine rose an eyebrow, looking around seeming, everyone was too busy with the departure of Meg. Laurie and Jo being themselves to notice a new drama approaching between the three youngest March. "That is debatable." Beth and Amy shared a 'really' look at Catherine, before rolling their eyes. "You think we wouldn't know where you'll be heading off to in two days?" Beth said, before Catherine could respond, Amy took out a letter from her pocket which was well-written by Aunt March.

"You're going off to some party!" Catherine imminently shushes Amy's scream of joy, covering the shorter's girl mouth as she looks around wearily but no attention was on them. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but Marmee knows. It's just a simple party to get to know some people," Catherine murmurs as Amy and Beth nod in understanding.

Catherine looks up, expecting Amy to whine about wanting to join the party and Beth to complain about how she shouldn't even go to a party full of boring people and teas. But to her surprise, Amy and Beth didn't say anything else.

They just hugged her in their excitement of seeing their precious Catherine out and about than thinking about her sister and family first. It's a known fact that Aunt March would continuously invite Catherine to all these parties but all would be rejected with the reasoning of spending some quality time with her sisters and mother, even when she won't, Catherine can be seen in the kitchen with Hannah as a helper.

That's how kind Catherine March was, and to find out she had accepted to join a party, made Amy and Beth so proud of her. The two always believe that Catherine needed to be out and act her age, rebel, partying and all.

"Thank you again for the carriage, Mr Laurence. I don't know how to repay you." Meg's sentence brought Amy, Beth, and Catherine's attention back to them. Quickly moving to their feet to stand beside Marmee so it wouldn't seem they have forgotten the day's agenda.

"Nonsense! Although, there is one thing," For a second, Mr. Laurence's eyes flick to Beth but then he directs his comments to Marmee, "It occurred to me today that my daughter's piano suffers from want of use."

Catherine bites back her urge to respond, knowing this is Mr. Laurence's way to gain Beth's attention and plead to play. "Wouldn't one of your girls like to run over, and practice on it now and then, just to keep it in tune? If they don't care to come, why, never mind."

Beth without thinking twice burst out, "Oh sir, they do care, very very much!" Quickly slapped her mouth when she notices how her voice had been so high in excitement. Everyone giggles at the girl's cuteness as Mr. Laurence replies gently, "Are you the musical girl?"

"N-No, that would be Cathy. I ever learn everything I know from her." Noticing how everyone's attention was now on hers and that the clear disappointment in everyone's eyes at Beth's slight rejection, Catherine took things to her own. "She'll love it , and will come if you are absolutely sure nobody will hear her and be disturbed." Placing her arm on Beth's shoulder as Catherine gave the girl a reassuring smile, "Won't you?"

Beth thought for a moment, and with one last encouragement from Catherine she placed her deal, "I will so dearly!"


Mr. Laurence watches from an upper window as a very timid Beth tries to walk bravely across the lawn. She stops, turns back, and walks towards her house, disappointment crossing his face. But it lit up in chuckles as his stomach rambled in laughter seeing not long after Beth had pulled along a confused-looking Catherine with bread still hanging in her mouth, displaying that her lunch was disturbed by her sister.

Beth and Catherine enter the big house and make their way to the conservatory, looking at the piano with love. Catherine signals Beth to give it a try with a smile telling her she won't go anywhere to comfort her. A very nervous Beth sits down and sees the sheet music in front of her. At first, she is tentative, trying to play quietly, but soon she plays with abandon.

She is on fire.

Catherine is so elated to see her being so free on the piano, she lets out a soft laugh at the sight. She has never seen Beth so happy, so free. She hardly could contain herself. She turns to Beth and gives her a big hug careful not to disturb her keys before she let her be, drowning herself with the melody.

Mr. Laurence, sitting on the stairs, is deeply moved by Beth's music and Catherine's soft humming which matches perfectly. Tears stream down his face.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now