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Somehow they both ended up outside once more in the snow. Laurie last comment made this urge within Cathy to just go out and enjoy the night thoroughly, now in mind that this exact moment was when she might Laurie in the meadow, where they danced and stare at each other's charm and beauty.

And that is exactly what they did.

Cathy smiled just like in their memories of youth. Her fancy shoes dug into the snow and spoiling its material, yet, Cathy doesn't mind. She continues stomping around creating her own game of fun in mind. While Laurie stood a bit far with his arms behind his back. Simply admiring this Cathy that he adores before joining in her game. Creating his footprint of a path for Cathy to follow behind, and challenging her more when he used his long legs as an advantage.

Once they got bored, or more a frustrated Cathy when she could no longer keep up with Laurie. They both ended up laying on the show field. Laurie would place his coat down for Cathy to lay back, they did bicker for a while at Laurie continually manners before she had to give up. Leaving Laurie laying bare in his shirt on the cold snow, unbothered by his wet back since Cathy was distracting him with her giggles and chatter as she rambles about the astronomy she had learned back in Paris.

The anxiety was no longer in him. As tonight reminded him of the right Cathy, the Cathy that he remembers, the same one who ultimately did her fun without regarding others' perspectives and wants. Laurie love this Cathy where he was able to see her childlike personality, her cute shutters due to the weather, and how she was finally comfortable around him again.

Minutes turn to hours, and hours turned into the skies filled with dark clouds and a gloomy night. Silence took over their chatter, yet Cathy and Laurie never lose their smile to such.

Cathy turns her head to her side, and imminently her eyes fell in contact with Laurie's grey ones that's been staring at her. She would be surprised but over time, she felt pleased and contented that she was able to gain the interest of someone like him.

"Aren't you cold, Laurie?" She asked, causing them both to stare down at his white shirt that have been slowly soaking the snow to the front but Laurie's response was to simply laugh at his state, "You'll get sick." / "I never get sick. I'm a strong man," Cathy scoff at that as she rolled her eyes.

Moving her attention back to the sky she didn't notice how Laurie had sat up straight, with eyes still glues to her. His frown grew when he sees the engagement ring on her finger, his mind flashed into a world where Cathy wasn't his, and it put a dissatisfying taste within him.

"We should head back," Cathy mumbles breaking Laurie's trail of thoughts, he watches as she straightens her back while stretching her arms. She gave him a gentle smile when Laurie helped her up to her feet, taking his coat to shelter her. Laurie walked them back to the mansion but unlike when there exited. The two walked at a minor distance, and Laurie's clear frown showed his deep thinking to notice Cathy's curiosity about his thoughts.

When they reach inside the mansion, Cathy cleans off her shoes from the snow while rubbing off any access of snow on her shoulder and dress. The moment she looked up, wondering that she should end the night, she was just as surprised when Laurie suddenly held an envelope between them.

"I'm sorry?" Cathy mutters under her breath but Laurie heard, even with her clear expression, he knew that she was very much surprised at his sudden action.

"T-This is just," Laurie inhale out loud, his nerves were coming back as his eyes were showing how he was not very much confident in himself too. "It's a... Something I wrote after you left." He avoided eye contact, and the hand holding the envelope felt heavy as it sat in between them both since Cathy made no sign of taking it without his explanation.

"It was meant to be sent in your mailbox..." He gulps, "But I..." Not finding the correct words anymore, he modestly took Cathy's hand, placing the envelope on it before retrieving a few steps back from her. "Goodnight,"

Just like that, Laurie left her alone. She watches as he scurries off above the stairs and into his room but not without slamming his door to some extent.

Cathy let out a sigh, glancing down at the envelope, her mind wondering what would be written in it.

Taking Laurie's coat off her shoulder cautiously, she moved herself to the guestroom that was located in the guestroom. It wasn't her first time sleeping in Laurence's Mansion, exactly her third time tonight.

Folding his coat carefully to be washed later by a maid in the morning, she put it aside. Abandoning the envelope on the desk, she set off to her nightly routine. Seeing a fresh set of clothes in the wardrobe, it must be Mr. Laurence ordering the maids about her arrival.

Once her routine was completed. Cathy sat on the chair placed with the desk, her eyes glued to the envelope that had been worn out by its color and the mold mounting at its corner. With her wet hair placed on one side of her shoulder, Cathy anxiously scratch her neck.

Building up her confidence, she tears open the envelope to reveal Laurie's letter before her.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now