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That night, everyone had gone to their bedroom. Catherine sat at the kitchen dining table. She glances up at the ceiling, knowing Jo must be whimpering for her hair but she didn't trouble since she knew one of the sisters will comfort the girl.

Staring off before her, she felt a tear drop from her eyes thinking about her father's condition and how else she would be able to aid the father from afar. Their family is weak and unhealthy, and even a trip caused them a fortune.

"Fifty-five dollars sounds unreasonable for only a person's hair," Catherine snaps her mind from zoning. There in front of her sat Laurie who gave her an expression of someone desiring answers. Catherine had forgotten that the boy and grandfather are staying the night. Looking at the time, Catherine lock the clock signaling that midnight had struck. "Why aren't you asleep, Laurie?" Catherine sat up straight, her eye big similar to a doe as it passes her concern for him, "I heard you had a tiring day today. You should sleep early."

It seems to become a habit of Catherine that Laurie notices, how she would attempt to answer a question with a question when she doesn't desire to skip about it. It would usually work with anyone but Laurie was harder. He was a man who always gets what he wants, never one to back down without difficulty.

"You're ignoring my questions again," Laurie leans closer to the table between them. Punting his elbow on the table as his palm holds the weight of his chin. Catherine stares into his grey eyes, he wasn't backing up and had a stern look for answers.

"Well, Jo couldn't bear to visit Aunt March. But I did."

Laurie nods his head in understanding that, it was true and logical. Aunt March have a more liking for Cathy than any of March's siblings, but he knew better. No matter how much Aunt March prefers the girl, Jo has told him how strict the older woman was with money. The most she would even give Cathy can't be more than ten dollars.

He scans Cathy's appearance before him, the girl is in her usual flowy beige dress that by now he knew was her favorite, she always wore them at least once a week. But what broke her usual attire wear was that boyish huge hat that only Jo or Beth would wear. "Take off your hat," Laurie commanded. Seating up straight now to show that he wasn't playing around as he glares at the hat as if it was ruining Cathy's gorgeous, sweet image. And it was to him.

Catherine didn't move, and neither did Laurie. Both were staring at each other, waiting for someone to move first between them. Catherine let out a soft sigh, it's not like she could keep the secret forever. So, carefully she reveals her hair and was expecting criticism from Laurie though he was silent.

Looking up, she was met with instead a smile on Laurie's face, it wasn't taunting or teasing. Genuine. "... I couldn't cut it any shorter," Cathy mumbled but Laurie heard clearly in the silent dining room. She grazes her fingers through her once waist-length beautiful locks, which have now reached right under her shoulder, "Aunt March would have a heart attack."

Laurie stares at the girl before him, his heart bursting with that emotion once more that he has learned to accept but not acknowledge. There seated an insecure girl about her hair but no regret in it for donating her hair to aid her family, yet she fails to see just how beautiful she was. Laurie would even dare say, Catherin March is the most stunning, and beautiful out of all the March and anyone he met. But he wouldn't dare out loud, especially in front of Jo.

"It suits you," Laurie's smile grew larger to his knowledge, "Very well." Those words made Cathy swell up in pride, that she had the urge to hear him say it once more, and it wasn't like her to ask for compliments. Instead, she burst into giggles and a smile that showed all her teeth as she gazes away from Laurie, "Thank you."

Laurie didn't like that she looked away from him, he very much liked her doe eyes. The way it easily portrays her personality and emotions, the way it glosses when it meets with his. But the view of a shy and bashful Cathy gave him another thing to like about her.

They sat in comfortable silence. Cathy had started humming and fiddling with the hat on her lap now while Laurie was content with just staring at her as his brain somehow started memorizing her features and little habits.

He then remembers the frown on Cathy's face before he intervenes in her solitary in the kitchen. The stressed frown and how she had worried eyes. And he knew it would only be about her father and probably the family's condition.

If he were to leave and call it a night, the girl won't even be asleep tonight. It's clear that Cathy would be staying up until she was able to make at least 5 more sacrifices she could for her sister and parent. And as much as Laurie adore that about her, it also worried him that she wasn't just out there living her life as someone her age.

Catherine March is always out and about in her thinking or seen somewhere aiding people.

"You should sleep, Laurie," Catherine spoke in between their silence. Just as Laurie had let out a yawn, it's been an hour since they seated together and Laurie's body was begging for some snooze. Laurie glances up at the girl before back into the living room. Both heard the loud snore from Mr. Lawrence which made them both chuckle in a hushed tone. He didn't want to leave Cathy alone as his mind racked the words that will make the girl before he sleeps also.

"I'll go," Cathy nodded her head in pleasure that Laurie was finally going to get his needed sleep but the male didn't finish his sentence as he continues, "And I'll dream about you if you'll dream about me. Promise?"

Imminently, Cathy erupts into this shade of red as an enormous amount of butterflies flutters in her. It was enough for her to be distracted by her worries and concern by his words that did wonders. And as much as she wanted to control these emotions since Laurie isn't having any romantic feelings toward her instead it was her sister.

Cathy can't help but hope, for moments, and words like this. It was genuine and meant for her and her only. However, she knew, hoping would only get her heart broken. Laurie spoke those words with no emotions held in them as he only wants to get the girl to sleep but his heart did this flip, and proudness at seeing the effect it holds on the girl. He was so naïve and stubborn to know the reasoning behind it.

"... Promise"

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now