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That night for the first time, everything was going normally in the March residence a long time since the gathering of their children. Hannah had made everyone her special hot cocoa as everyone gathered by the fireplace. Mr. March is in his single sitter comfy sofa with Marmee cuddled with him.

Mr. Laurence was beside Catherine as they both laugh with each other, even exchanging drinks since Mr. Laurence prefer his with mint which did cause Catherine to scrunch her face. Meg and her husband were beside the two, with their children as Meg watched admirably as Mr. Brooks dramatically tell a children's story. Amy would join in time just to scare her nephew and niece for fun before running in cover to her fiancé, Fred's bigger build that was able to shield her from ranging children.

Jo watches all this. Finally, she thought. She has her family back. And as much as her heart ache that Beth wasn't here, where she just knows that the girl would be playing her masterpiece of piano play for the family. She knew that Beth was no longer hurting and was somewhere better, and she, Jo will enjoy what was in front of her. Her family.

Glancing beside her, where Laurie was seated. They weren't far from Catherine and Mr. Laurence, and she can just see the clear eavesdropping her friend was doing. Laurie had his ears perk to Cathy and his grandfather's conversation, and a smile would grow on him every time he hears Cathy giggle at Mr. Laurence's terrible joke.

"There's no harm in joining them, Teddy," Jo whispered between her and Laurie. The male, eyes glance up, he knew it was true. "N-No, I'm good-" Laurie replied, going back to his mug but it seem that fate wasn't with him, most especially his grandfather. "Laurie, boy. Would you help dear Cathy in the kitchen?"

Laurie and Cathy made eye contact with each other as their name was called by Mr. Laurence. Cathy had a hold of a tray with the adults' mug, she was about to head to the kitchen to refill the delicious hot cocoa for everyone.

"Oh no, that's fine. I can handle it myself." Cathy spoke so sweetly and courteously to not offend Laurie feeling that she was rejecting his assistance. Laurie watched as Cathy struggled at first with the heavy tray before balancing herself and walking into the far-off kitchen. Laurie was oblivious to everyone's eyes on him, who had his on the door Cathy had disappeared. He counted the second down before he, himself couldn't hold himself anymore.

Abruptly standing up, he awkwardly glances at everyone, finally noticing their eyes, "Um, I'll," he racks his brain for excuses but halfway gave up, "I'll be in the kitchen," Not wanting to see their glinting eyes, he quickly walks ahead with his head down. Ignoring the laughter in the living room.

Once upon entering the kitchen, Cathy's back was towards him. Carefully and quietly with his step, Laurie slowly walked up to Cathy who was silently refilling the mugs. "Um. Hi." Laurie cursed himself for that was the only thing he could think to say first, the moment he stood beside her. Cathy had jumped slightly before turning to him.

Catherine seems to see his cursing and found it amusing. She's been in a good mood for the first time, with the family slowly coming back together, who couldn't? "Hello, Laurie." Her voice was like magic for him that Laurie was able to cool down and then just stand there, he started to assist her with her task by placing the mugs back on the tray.

"I just. Thank you, Cathy." The said girl looks up at him with the height difference. She gave Laurie a clueless expression, slowly her confusion by his sudden appreciation. Laurie chuckles out, something small and simple, "Thank you for cheering the old man up. I have never been great at consoling people."

Cathy smiled, understanding the conversation again. Slowly they both fall into a comfortable peace. Something Laurie felt the most relief off. His mind kept repeating Meg's advice to him, while he would glance at her, attempting to read her if the situation was right for him to open up.

"Cathy," Laurie's tone had pitched down, showing his nerves but he tried to keep happy comfortable silent they have the best he could. Cathy simply hums back at him as she finishes off the last mug of hot cocoa. "I. Could you give me a moment of your time?"

A second without any reply or reaction, Laurie spoke with desperation this time, "Please." Catherine showed no reaction, she calmly passed the last of the mug to Laurie who did place them on the tray before both turned to each other. Maintained eye contact for a while before Catherine decided to speak, "You have my undivided attention,"

Laurie took a deep breath, he reminds himself to speak with his tone, be kind with his words, and understand Cathy's side as advised by Meg. Be mature, he mutters to himself before speaking clearly, "The last time, when we were young. We ended it horribly. I realize that I shouldn't have behaved the way I did, I was selfish. And I promise you it'll never happen again."

Catherine was a bit surprised. Laurie was being calm and honest, and for a long time, they weren't raising their voice at each other. This made Cathy see that she too was being selfish and stupid, "I'm sorr-" Laurie shake his head, not wanting to hear apologies since he knew it was his words that deflect her actions to him, and seeing how firm he was made Catherine smile.

The silence reappears between them. This time, it was a moment where they both knew, words will be said, words that they have been avoiding saying.

"To keep you in my life, I know I have to work." Laurie somehow couldn't maintain eye contact with her anymore, nervousness was building by the second in him. "And I'm willing to, I am." Taking on a deep breath, he took Cath's hand, his eyes focus just there while Cathy kept hers on his grey pairs, "Just that I need you to know that I am keen, not only because I desire your forgiveness, Cathy. I want something more between us, and we both know what I want."

Finding his confidence, Laurie looked up into her soft apologetic gaze, "I just need to know that you are on the same page with me."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now