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Catherine sat before her Aunt March and her future parents-in-law, beside her, Wayne. Everyone sat on the most beautifully decorated balcony for tea time. But Catherine knew better, they were going to question her about the wedding plans with Wayne.

Softly fanning herself as she spoke only when required as Wayne took the authority of being the answerer. "Cathy, dear, you are exceptionally still today." Moving her steely eyes to the in-laws, Catherine had to put up a professional smile, especially in the corner of her eyes. Aunt March is already glaring warning daggers at her.

"It must be with this dull weather..." Catherine sounded small and vulnerable, and Wayne glanced at his fiancé with trouble in his eyes. Millions of questions were piling up in his mind, some of them spoken but never answered.

"Do you have any contribution on your honeymoon, dearest? I suggested the country of love, Paris, of course," Aunt March spoke with such pride in her words that if Catherine wanted, she couldn't refuse. Catherine move her eyes to Wayne who already had his on hers, they were having a silent conversation through her eyes.

This might seem romantic and all but only those two knew the tension between them, the heated anger Wayne is signaling at her lack of optimism, "... I want to delay the wedding." Huge gasps come from the two older women before Catherine, while Wayne and his father ascended a similar confusion of facial expressions.

Catherine carefully lowered the fan from her face, to get her point straight before the women started bawling out in anger and tears. "I will marry Wayne, do not take it wrong."

"Then what should I take it as?" Wayne spoke up this time, making a conversation between the soon-to-wed, with their in-laws eavesdropping in front of them. "Beth, my dearest sister is terribly unwell and I ask to visit her. Mother, father, nor the others of my sister have met Wayne, furthermore. It would feel wrong to wed before you met the people who brought me here, before you."

There was a silence at the table, Aunt March's furious deep frown was clear as the daylight sun from Catherine refusing to listen to her orders. Wayne's parents seem to be in agreement with Catherine's words while Wayne himself is trying to figure out his fiancé.

While there is a discussion among them, Catherine placed her focus back on the ground below the balcony. Watching as fancy people walk their day out with partners or children. One person, in particular, stood out to Catherine, as they were standing under an oak tree in pitch-black clothing. What stood out to Catherine was how this person's eyes were fixed on hers.

Laurie, stood there refusing to let her break their contact. Catherine flatters her eyes for a while, worried about being caught by the people surrounding them, glancing at all, especially Wayne who's busy in conversation.

Raising the fan upper her face, Catherine concealed the blush from the silent predator. Laurie tilted his head to the side, a gesture of question, she had no answer. It was clear from his gesture he was getting some information from her despite her unresponsive self. Laurie let out a sigh, moving his eyes to check his surrounding before meeting up with Catherine. "You look beautiful," He mouths the words carefully, making sure it comes clear to the girl.

The glint of excitement and happiness in Catherine's eyes is enough to put a smile on Laurie's face. Their short brief moment was cut short when Wayne leaned into her ear, whispering things Laurie could only imagine. If the image of how intimate Wayne and Catherine irritate him, it did the most when Wayne made eye contact with him while he establishes a kiss against Catherine's ear.

"What are you doing?" Catherine's firm voice broke the glaring contest between Wayne and Laurie. Re-adjusting himself in his seat, Wayne gave the girl a straight line, his eyes showing the needed anger he had towards her.

"We have agreed," the ring-bonded couple moves their attention to the elders before them. "You shall move to your family this weekend, two days after the ball." Wayne's parent glances between their son and Catherine. "Wayne shall be your escort, there and back."

They did a brief talk before ending the tea break. Wayne helped Catherine from her seat, reaching his hand out to her. Catherine hesitated, but then accepted his gesture.

Before Wayne guided her out onto the balcony, Catherine's eyes scanned the tree in the courtyard, expecting to catch a glimpse of Laurie for the last time. However, the lack of his curly black hair and soft eyes aimed at her made it clear, that he had left.

Immediately Wayne's harsh tug on her hand caused her to focus back on reality, she muttered an apology and let the male guide her out of the room, behind her aunt and his parents.

"Are we going to ignore his presence as if you didn't have some kind of love for him," Wayne spoke in a hushed tone, ensuring their conversation was out of earshot of the elder as they walked down the corridor hand-in-hand like a normal couple.

His eyes were downcast to the floor, not in an intense glare but rather in a subtle look. This would be the first time Wayne crossed paths with Laurie, the first he had seen his face and the adoring look between the man and his fiancé.

"I do not speak of you and that lover of yours. As there is nothing to speak between me and Laurie," Catherine spoke so confidently that Wayne started to question if she was not aware of Laurie's gaze. "I don't speak with that lover anymore," Wayne said. "But you speak with others, or should I say in bed precisely?" Catherine met his eyes, her glistening eyes told him she knew of his secret and affairs.

Wayne faltered as he sighed, it was clear who had won in the conversation and if he were to continue, something unsaid might be revealed. Choosing to drop the topic as it never happened, they both smiled politely and kept their heads up.

They remained silent until they reached Catherine's chamber, where they merely bowed before leaving in different directions. Hoping to not see each other until needed.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now