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Laurie, Jo, Amy, and Meg had disbursed their whole day bunched together above at the attic, coming out ways Laurie could confess and show his genuine desire and feeling for their sister, Catherine. It was proven to be the hardest since Laurie would reject every idea. The March siblings were close to forfeiting their patient, Amy especially seems to gradually lose her temper since Laurie had been so gloomy and depressed, seeing everything in the most negatively too.

It was close to the sun setting, and lucky for Laurie, saving him from Amy's fist, Mr. March had entered the attic calling out for his children. "What's here? Are you preparing another act? I sure love those!" Mr. March continued to be optimistic, kind, and loving. He would be the only March member that seem to cheer everyone up despite losing his youngest daughter, he had a duty to heal and help his family than sit and mourn.

With a swift movement, he glided beside Meg on the wooden floor, eyes glowing eagerly for them to continue their conversation in hope that he could join and add his own few ideas to Jo's play. "Oh, father." Meg giggles, finding her father to be the most adorable man ever, "It's not a play we are about. It's about Cathy and Laurie." Her tone was soft, as her eyes glimmered with other information for her father to quickly understand the situation.

"Oh! Dear Cathy!" Mr. March had clapped his hand together as if he remember something, "That's right. Your mother had appointed me with something. She says that your dear sister will be leaving tomorrow night."

"WHAT!" A line of cries from various voices and tones screamed at the poor old man who simply chuckle nervously, before he continue in the hope to smooth down the children's glaring eyes, "Well, don't worry. Your Aunt March is coming to fetch them and knowing my sister-in-law, she sure likes to take her time." Mr. March chuckled, he notice that he wasn't being helpful with their situation, "I'm sure you can come up with something. Good luck, Laurie." With that he left the young adults alone in the attic, their brains racking faster than before as it was clear in their eyes how nervous and scared they were about the future.

"This is all happening too fast!" Amy screamed. "Quick! Ideas now!" This time it was Jo. Laurie and Meg watch as the two stood up, hands on each other shoulders, screaming at each other with the most random idea ever. It's clear here that Jo and Amy never work best under pressure.

As that commotion was happening, Meg caught Laurie's attention as she whispered in a soft tone, almost like a mother, which she was. "Laurie. Do you truly love Cathy?" / "With all my heart," Laurie responded with no hesitation.

Meg's smile was so bright, just from Laruei's quick response, his sincere voice, and words. "Then you just do that," / "That's what I been telling-" Meg had cut Laurie up by shaking her head in disapproval. "You tell her those exact words, frankly. Don't be mad if she walks away, don't break her more by fighting. Cathy is fragile, she's never put herself first. She's somewhat weak, and extremely towards her emotions. Just be patient, be kind, and never force her." Meg smiled and put her hand on Laurie's shoulder.

"... What if she never wants me? I broke her." Laurie replies, looking up at Meg like a younger brother asking for the truth from his sister. Meg taught for a while, and since Laurie wanted the truth she had to think about her words. She observes Cathy's language throughout her stay back home. She replied, "I believe you did hurt her bad, Laurie. But she wouldn't be staying in the same room with you if she haven't healed from it."

Meg looks out the attic window with Laurie, there they see Cathy with Mr. Laurence walking arms in arms in the cold snow, both seem to be comforting each other with their presence as they walk closer to the March's residence. "But if something that's already been broken have healed. Remember that a scar is still there, and easy to be reopened."

"What are you two talking about?" Meg and Laurie snap back in front of them where Amy and Jo have stopped their panic movement to refocus on the topic but are too lost on it. Meg stood up, fixing her dress as Laurie followed behind, replying to Jo's question, "Nothing, I think we figured it out."

"Children! Why don't you join us for some hot cocoa!" Marmee had called after them. Meg and Laurie took the lead to head downstairs, whereas Amy and Jo followed behind but being them, they started complaining about how they didn't understand them which led to bickering between them.

They reached just in time for Cathy and Mr. Laruence to enter the house. Laurie glanced at the two, his smile extending unbeknownst at how his grandfather could smile again after such an event, and knew he should tank Cathy for it.

Maybe that could be an excuse for him to talk with Catherine alone, later.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now