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Catherine is in the garden, her expensive clothes all mudded up and brown. But she didn't care, more focused on helping Marmee tend her garden. Despite being quiet between the mother and daughter, it was pleasing and comfortable. Only laughing when Catherine pulled out the smallest carrot to ever grow in the garden.

A mother knows her child better than anyone. And as much as Marmee was worried about the safety of Catherine with how Wayne had treated the family and her daughter. She knew that Catherine could handle herself, she always could. Just that Catherine never put herself first. That would usually be an issue, but lately, she notices something different about her. Catherine seems bolder than when she was younger, and stricter with people around her when she needed to be.

Their bonding moment was cut off when Jo coughed from the door. The older sibling had a stern look and gestured to Catherine upstairs to the attic, before leaving. Catherine glanced at her mother, debating on her next move before sighing out, "I can't ignore her forever."

Marmee nodded her head, agreeing with her. Standing up, Catherine brushes off any excess dirt from her dress before following along with Jo's wishes. Upon arriving at the dark attic that was lit only by the circle small window.

Jo stood with papers in her hand clearly in stress with her work while Catherine moved to settle herself on a chair. It was silent as both waited to see who speaks first, it was Jo, "I always thought that ring was just a toy given." Jo glared at the engagement ring on Cathy's finger, it's been there forever now that she thought thoroughly about it. It was there even before Beth's sickness.

"I thought first too before things become serious," Catherine spoke positively. When she was introduced to Wayne by Aunt March, she thought it was merely a one-time thing and that soon Aunt March will want another bachelor for her. That was until wedding plans begin plopping that Catherine spoke every excuse to extend it.

"You can be as stubborn as me and Amy," Jo sighed, "So how did you end up here? Nothing was different, you were happy, everyone was... Until you left." The last of her sentences were in detest. Catherine noticed Jo still held that against her for it and she didn't blame her sister. Catherine expected everyone to be mad, but surprisingly everyone either ignore it or forgave her, except Jo.

"I was happy. I never was not happy around my sister and family."

"Then why you left? Engaged to a sick man! And you're willing to be his!" Jo out of frustration threw her sheets of paper in the air and flew everywhere, one landed on Catherine's lap and she took it. The paper was an old Christmas play the March siblings did. It made Catherine pull out and chuckle at the memories.

"If it's money! I'll b-bring some home! I'll- " / "Jo, your stammering."

Jo held back the urge to growl at Catherine, her sister is ignoring the big issue was more and worried about her condition and manners instead. Seeing this, Catherine took in a deep breath, stood up, and pulled Jo into an embrace, that Jo didn't respond to, instead choosing to look away.

"I'm sorry I left. Truly, and I regretted it each second." Catherine held onto Jo tight, afraid that her sister will leave her, "I thought what I did was right and was ashamed to get back home. And I slowly grew to accept him and hoped..." Catherine halted at her sentence and Jo grew concerned, "Cathy?"

"I hoped that maybe one day this marriage turned splendid. That's probably why I held on," Catherine pulled Jo out of the embrace, settling back down on her seat, more tiredly and broken like her walls were slowly breaking. Jo frowned reading Catherine's body language. She read carefully before she said her next words, "Not because of Laurie?" She notices how Catherine flinches at the name of their friend, "... Was the other reason you never return was because of... him?"

"What are you talking about, Jo." Catherine nervously laughed, she stood up, wanting to quickly leave this attic. It felt like she was exposing too much of herself already to Jo. And the older March sibling pressed on, blocking the stairs from Catherine as she presses, "Are you trying to prove that you moved on? Aren't you!"

"Jo!" Catherine's stern voice, showing her discomfort about this topic.

"I knew it! W-When you left! Beth and Amy spoke about it!" Jo begin stammering once more, pushing Catherine back to seat down as she pace around to solve the puzzle while Catherine grew confused at her words, "They cried that night you left! I heard them say..."

Jo turns to Cathy, a slight pity and sorry look from her raging expression moments ago, "You love him. You confessed-" / "That's enough. Marmee needs help in the garden." Catherine was held down onto the chair by Jo. For the first time, Catherine had glared at one of her sisters, but Jo reminded solid of this, "You confessed and hoped. Hoped! That he could be a reason for you to deny going with Wayne and Aunt March. And-"

Catherine had enough, she didn't want to hear it from Jo. Overpowering her, Catherine stood up and pushed Jo onto the seat instead. Her face was broken in wet tears but not flowing down her cheeks as she wouldn't allow it.

"Yes! Yes, I confessed! I wanted him to say he loved me too! I wanted him to beg me to stay!" Catherine took in a harsh breath while Jo stare at her in surprise, "... But I knew it would never happen." Catherine took a step breath and glance at Jo's appearance now, "He loves someone else. He loves my sister. I knew, though still desired for it, that maybe all those time spent with him, he might at least have had something for me."

Catherine wiped her tears, calming herself down. Jo watched how Catherine composed herself, going back to that mature and dull her, "I was embarrassed, young and stupid. But, I didn't come back because he rejected me. I didn't come back because of you, Jo."

"What?" Jo's voice broke at that, did she do something she wondered.

"I didn't come back because I was ashamed to face you. I knew he loves you and I knew that you would hate it if anything were to happen to make things awkward. I was ashamed to see what face you would make if you knew I fell for your friend," Catherine look away, fixing her state since Wayne would be here soon to pick her up on a date insisted by his parent.

"I wondered, 'what would Jo think of me,' 'what was I thinking on confessing?' 'Meg must be disappointed, Amy in shock, Beth speechless but most importantly, Jo would hate, no she would have been disgusted with me,'" Catherine headed to the stairs as Jo stared, not stopping her this time, "Those thoughts bothered me and I left. My family would always come first. Nothing else."

With that Catherine left the attic and Jo alone in her thought, flabbergasted and astonished for sure.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now