stranger (rc)

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WARNINGS: season 2 spoilers, Rafe actually being psycho

"Thanks for meeting me Topper I really appreciate it." You express your gratitude to the boy walking next to you. You recently made the decision to leave Rafe, with everything going on it was just too much.

You were mainly just worried about him, his dad continuing to drive him closer to the edge. With Sarah and John b back, he only cared about that. Seeing Sarah in that courtroom and Kie's outburst afterwards did it for you. You told him you needed some time.

He was extremely upset, you were the only thing that kept him grounded through all of this. Knowing you would love him despite his mistakes always lingered in the back of his mind.

You weren't scared of him but you were scared of who he might become if he kept this up. "Of course y/n, I'm glad you did the right thing." Topper offered you a tight lipped smile. The two of you met up and were walking along the dock.

You didn't exactly have anyone to talk to that would actually understand the severity. Talking with someone who knew him just as well was what you needed. All you other friends were happy to see you drop Rafe and you detested them for it.

Rafe was different behind closed doors and you wished that others could see that, know the real him. He was loving, gentle, and cared so much for you.

"I just feel so... stuck. I did what I had to do but it feels so wrong." You confessed, crossing your arms over your chest.

"I don't blame you for being confused, it was obvious how in love you both were. He's an idiot for messing this up." Topper wrapped his arm around your shoulder, trying to make you feel better.

You stared straight forward, hoping an answer would appear out of thin air. "Do you hear that?" Topper dropped his arm and stopped walking.

You looked around in confusion, only hearing the sounds of the water. "Hear what?" You furrowed your brows trying to concentrate harder.

Then both of you heard a loud splash causing you to jump. He gave you a look of concern before jogging off to find the source.

After hearing another splash you caught up to Topper, following the noise. There were only a few lights illuminating the dock, making it hard to see. You could see someone with their back to you but there was another person too.

Topper clearly figured it out before you but you squinted your eyes and followed. Your feet froze and the breath was taken right out of your lungs when you finally saw. You heart was beating so fast you could hear it in your ears.

Rafe was trying to drown Sarah, he was trying to drown his sister. You watched as Topper tackled Rafe, pulling him away. Sarah fell onto the floor in a coughing fit.

You watched and flinched as Topper delivered hits to Rafe's face, his nose starting to bleed. When you finally snapped out of it, you dropped down next to Sarah, rubbing and patting her back as she caught air again.

You looked over your shoulder at the horrible sight. "Topper enough!" You yelled, he was going to kill him if he kept going. You walked over and wrapped your arms around Topper's arm, pulling him away from Rafe.

He was breathing heavily and quickly pulled out of your grasp to check on Sarah. You stood in your place as Rafe struggled to get up and regain composure. You wanted him to see you, you wanted him to regret this.

He finally stumbled up, holding his hand up to his nose. "y/n/n?" He asked confused, he started taking steps towards you. "Don't!" Your shaky hand flew your palm out in front of you.

You could feel your lip quivering and your vision blurring with tears, "what happened to you?" You nearly whispered, shaking your head back and forth.

"I- I can explain. I'm just trying to fix this. I was- I have to help my dad." You scoffed and let out a laugh fueled by pure anger.

"Do you hear yourself?! It's always about Ward, god Rafe he doesn't even care about you!" You yelled. His mouth hung open and you could see the look of hurt in his eyes.

"You're so obsessed with helping him that you did this to Sarah?! She's you sister Rafe!" Your tears were fully flowing now and Rafe wanted nothing more than to lean forward and wipe them away. He felt sick to his stomach knowing he was the reason you were upset.

"Baby I- I wasn't trying to hurt her. I just get these thoughts in my head and- and I love you, please." He wasn't even sure what he was asking for. He was broken and he needed help, you wanted to get him help.

"You need help Rafe." You pointed to your own head to express that he needed help with his. "Y/n lets go." Topper called behind you. You turned to see his arms wrapped around Sarah, fear evident in her eyes.

You turned back to face Rafe wiping your tears off your cheeks. "I don't know you anymore. You're a stranger." You bitterly spit out. He couldn't even feel the pain from Topper's punches, it was his soul taking all the hits now.

He stood there dumbfounded as you calmly walked away with Topper and Sarah. Offering your arm out to help him hold her up. You took one look back to see him stuck in place, your heart breaking.

'I'm sorry' he mouthed while watching you walk. You felt a sob escape as you nodded at him before turning and not looking back for the second time in your relationship.

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now