savior (rc)

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WARNINGS: toxic and abusive relationship with o/c

"Oh come on y/n you don't think I'm that dumb do you?" Your boyfriend threw his arms in the air in frustration. "No but it's just for a class I promise!" You yelled back, defending yourself once again.

Tyler hadn't always been so bad to you, but lately you've forgotten what the good even looked like. He was always upset about something, what you wore out, who you hung out with, the list goes on.

"Why the fuck do you need his number for a class?" Tylers voice boomed as he paced around his bedroom. "It's for a project, incase we need to get together." You slowly walked towards him hoping to diffuse the situation.

He placed his hands on his hips, throwing his head back and scoffing, "yeah no way in hell is that happening!" He shot back. You could feel the tears pricking at your eyes as a lump in your throat formed. You were exhausted from explaining yourself over and over again.

Growing up with divorced parents, you never really saw what a true relationship looked like, unfortunately you thought this was all there was. During your parent's split, you went from kook to pogue but were able to maintain the few relationships you did have.

Tyler's family was wonderful, you never understand how he could be the way he is. They lived in a beautiful home on figure eight and had everything they could ever need. Tyler had lost himself in the luxuries of being a kook.

"Jesus Christ Tyler, I can't do this anymore!" You firmly yelled, letting the tears fall freely down your cheek. "What's that supposed to mean?" He towered over you, his eyes had gone dark. "I- I can't be with you." You whispered.

He watched as you backed away, stepping into your shoes and grabbing your bag. "You're leaving?" There was a sadness in his voice but you had to stay strong. "Yes I am. Were done." You spit out, turning on your heel to leave.

His arm shot out grabbing your wrist to pull you back. As soon as your eyes connected again you felt the hard force hitting your face. You stumbled over onto the floor, vision hazy. Lifting a shaky hand up you could feel the blood just under your eye.

Tyler froze, somewhere between shock of what he did yet still fueled with rage. You felt your lip quiver as the pain took over. "Fuck you." You ran out of his room and out of the house, not listening to him yelling your name.

You sniffled pulling out your phone, pulling up Sarah's phone number. Sarah was your best friend, always had been. You hadn't been a good person to her recently, and you knew it was because of Tyler, he took up majority of your time.

She lived only a few houses down from him and you looked over your shoulder as you speed walked down the pavement. "Hello?" Sarah's confused tone spoke through the phone. "Hey hey I'm so sorry but can I come over, I'm like right outside your house, I need you." Your voice broke at the end.

"Yeah yeah of course I'll come out right now." You hung up and ran over into her driveway and up to the front door. Looking over your shoulder once again, satisfied that Tyler wasn't behind you. Sarah swung the door open and her jaw dropped at the sight of you.

"Holy shit, come in." She grabbed your hand pulling you inside. After locking the door she ushered you upstairs into her room. She sat you down on the edge of the bed, the only light in the room was from the tv show she was watching when you had called.

"Are you okay?" She bent down to your level, placing her hands on your knees. You slowly nodded up and down even though you were far from okay. She quickly pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back comfortingly.

She didn't even have to ask to know what had happened. "Let me go get you a bandage and stuff, I'll be right back." Your adrenaline was so high that just sitting there you finally realized that you needed to breathe.

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