made to be broken (rc)

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Make sure you read rules first, the imagine right before this one🩷🩷 part 2!! idk how many parts it will be yet but there will be more don't worry

It wasn't unusual to hang out at Tanneyhill even if Sarah wasn't home. Since she was out on her date you decided to hang around and wait for her to get back. It was better than having to go home and deal with your parents.

You laid on Sarahs bed and scrolled through your phone before feeling your stomach growl. You reluctantly got up and walked downstairs. Ward and Rose were out to dinner and Wheezie was at a friends house.

You had expected Rafe to be gone too so you were surprised when he was standing in the kitchen, looking in the fridge. "Thought you'd be out with your power puff girls." You teased, leaning against the kitchen island.

He closed the fridge door and smirked at you, "very funny." He mocked you and bent down to open the freezer. You noticed the frozen pizza and instantly reached for it, "oh yum." Before you could take it all the way out, Rafes hand grabbed your wrist.

You looked at him puzzled, "what if I wanted it?" He pretends to pout and you roll your eyes. "You only want it cause I grabbed it first!" You narrowed your eyes at him. "This is my house, did you forget?"

You clench your jaw and pull the pizza box from his hands, "we can share." You compromise and go to preheat the oven. He reluctantly agrees as an awkward silence fills the kitchen. Rafe opens a cabinet and pulls out two wine glasses.

"Want some?" He asks while opening a new bottle of white wine. You shrug your shoulders, you weren't gonna deny free alcohol. "Sure." He pours both glasses and hands you one with a straight face.

You mumble out a thanks and take a drink. "This is weird right?" You can't help but ask. He gives you an unclear look in return. "What's weird?" He asks and then takes a large sip. "I dunno... I can't think of the last time it was just... us together?"

Your statement trailed off as a short of question. Rafe looked up in thought, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Yeah wow... I can't either." He was actually kind of surprised by this revelation but also it wouldn't amaze him if you never had been alone together.

"Would you wanna like... watch a movie or something?" He asks while avoiding eye contact with you. You give him an amused look, "you wanna watch a movie with me... your little sisters best friend... on a Friday night?"

He gives you a sassy glare, "fine forget I fucking asked." He scoffed. You rolled your eyes, "no no I'm kidding, sure why not." You both finish off the glass of wine and pour another before moving over to the couch.

Rafe scrolled through movies and you both weren't feeling any of the choices so far. You gasp a little when he passes Dead Poets Society and his head whips to yours. "What? Dead Poets Society?"

You nod and look back to the screen, expecting him to keep scrolling. "You like that movie?" He asks, and you look at him again. "Yeah... you've seen it?" You were genuinely surprised. He nodded, "yeah it's one of my favorites."

"You... like Dead Poet's Society?" He rolled his eyes at your judgement, "is that so hard to believe?" You throw your head back and laugh. "I mean, yeah! The big bad sexy Rafe Cameron has a soft poetic side? Who knew!"

You hadn't even realized the word left your mouth until he said something, "sexy huh?" You immediately froze in your spot and blushed furiously. "I just mean... that's what the other girls think, not me."

You shut yourself up, chugging more of the wine. "I need a refill." You mumble and take both of your glasses to fill them up. You privately scolded yourself, what the hell was that? You actually called him sexy... out loud!

Rafes mind was reeling, did you actually mean that? I mean why else would you say it? It didn't help that you were dressed in a tiny tank top with pajama shorts. You were dressed for lounging around yet managed to look like the prettiest girl ever.

Meanwhile, you just prayed he would drop it, but knowing him he would tease you relentlessly. The timer going off made you jump, and you grabbed the oven mitt to take out the pizza. You cut it up and put some on two plates.

With barely stable arms you carried everything back into the living room. He sprang up and grabbed a plate and glass from you before it would topple over onto the floor. You both ate and watched the movie in a comforting silence.

You were nearly four glasses in and you were feeling it, as was Rafe. You kept moving around, trying to get cozy but nothing was working. Rafe groaned and looked over to you, "you good?" You stuck your tongue out at him and smacked him with a pillow.

He clutched his chest as if you truly hurt him and he grabbed a pillow to do the same.  "No!" You squealed as he hit your arm. A pillow fight quickly ensued and the movie was long forgotten.

You both laughed loudly and stood to your feet. You went in for a big hit but he stopped you by grabbing your waist and tickling you. You instantly dropped your pillow and struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Rafe! N-no! Stop-p!" You giggled loudly and tried to push him away. This resulted in you falling forward into his chest. His back hit the couch and he kept a firm grip on your waist as you fell with him.

You braced your fall by placing your hands on either side of his head. Your laughter died down and you did your best to shake the hair away from your face.

Rafe removed one hand from your waist in order to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You locked eyes and all the sound coming from the tv droned out. Your heart started beating faster and you hoped he couldn't tell.

Did you just lean forward? You looked down to his lips and then up at his eyes again. His fingers tightened on your waist and the feeling was unlike anything else.

In a matter of a second you dropped your body onto his and connected your lips. Rafe thought he had died and gone to heaven. He could feel your skin on his and you tasted just like he'd imagined.

He gripped your body and flipped you so that you were on the couch as he hovered over you. Your legs caged him in and he gripped onto the flesh of your thigh. You had never felt this way with a boy before, let alone your best friends brother...

Your best friends brother.

"Shit!" You yelled pulling back and covering your mouth with your hand. You looked up at Rafe with wide eyes. He clearly had the same thought, his eyes wild and they darted around your face.

You were both breathing heavily, still not moving from your position. "Do you regret it?" Rafe reluctantly asked, worried that you would never want to speak to him again. Only a few seconds passed before you spoke up, "no."

One side of his lips raised in a smile. "Me neither." He grabbed your face and kissed you again. Even though you were breaking quite possibly the most important rule, everything felt perfect.

I mean rules were made to be broken... right?

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