3 words 8 letters (rc)

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Rafe Cameron was in love, it took him a while to realize it. It was like he was missing the last piece of a puzzle before it all clicked.

He had been collecting pieces over the span of your relationship. There was the butterflies he felt in his stomach when he was about to see you. The way his chest physically hurt whenever you were upset. The feeling that he was floating whenever you kissed him.

He could go on and on about all of the ways you made him feel. The only problem, he had no idea how to tell you. He wanted to so badly but the words never seemed to come out.

The moment you looked into his eyes, his legs felt like liquid and every thought besides you left his brain. The first time he almost said it was one that surprised him the most.

You were over at his house for hours, doing nothing but enjoying each others company. It was storming out and he was using that as the excuse to cuddle up all day long. Wheezie came into Rafe's room asking about baking something.

Wheezie loved you, of course Sarah was a great sister too but the way you treated Wheezie made her feel special. You smiled immediately agreeing to bake cupcakes with your boyfriend's youngest sister.

He groaned of course and you jokingly smacked him on the chest, not wanting his sister to hear his protests. "Come onnn, I'll let you lick the spoon." You teased, lowering down to kiss him.

He laughed against your body before pulling the both of you upwards. "You know I can't resist that." You giggled dragging him downstairs. Rafe sat at the barstool on the other side of the counter, not really doing much besides watching.

It was nice to see you interact with his family, he knew how much you cared for them and it only made his heart swell more. You and Wheezie were dancing around the kitchen, using the whisk as a microphone to scream out One Direction lyrics.

Rafe dropped his head towards his chest, shaking it side to side. "Y'all are ridiculous." You gasped at him pretending to be hurt. You rounded the counter still singing and held your hand out for him.

When he didn't take it you grabbed his wrist tugging him up. Wheezie laughed as you danced around him trying to get him to move. You didn't even notice when he grabbed your hips and threw you over his shoulder.

He tickled your sides making your drop the batter covered whisk. You yelled out for him to put you down through laughter. He moved his hand down squeezing your butt, "Rafe!" You smiled but hoped Wheezie hadn't seen.

He pulled you back down hastily, setting your feet on the ground. You gripped onto his shoulders, your hair completely a mess in front of your face. You pouted your lip at him as he brushed it back.

Once he could see you again you were smiling up at him, breathing a bit heavily from all the laughter. He felt something in that moment, it was less than a second but it felt like time was moving in slow motion.

The way your eyes looked up into his, your small touch setting him on fire. "I l-" He felt his stomach drop when he started to speak and quickly clamped his mouth shut. Thankfully you were readjusting from being upside down and didn't even notice the stutter.

"You're trouble Rafe Cameron." You joked, moving around him to grab the forgotten whisk. You stood up and placed a kiss on his lips before getting back to work with Wheezie.

He cleared his throat and sat back down. He didn't even realize he was still smiling until his cheeks started to hurt. He couldn't stop thinking of what just happened, rather what he just confirmed, he was in love with you.

The second time he almost told you, it was a mixture of bad timing and being under the influence. Topper was having a party at his house and you and Rafe had been dominating in beer pong.

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