baby fever (ds)

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"Thank you so much!" The young girl smiled up at you and Drew. Her and her friends bounced away squealing. You smiled up at your boyfriend as you both continued to walk down the street.

"I'll never get tired of that." You wrapped your hand around his arm, squeezing his bicep lightly. He laughed lightly at you. It was always so sweet seeing fans get so excited to see him.

It made your heart swell and you could see how happy it made him. You were about to head into a coffee shop when you heard a voice behind you. "Excuse me?" You turned around to see a nice couple smiling tentatively at you.

The man, who you assumed to be the husband, spoke again. "I'm so sorry to disturb ya'll but we had to say hello." He laughed a bit nervously. "No worries!" You waved him off nicely.

"We're such big fans!" The woman spoke stepping closer. "Thank you so much." Drew thanked them as your eyes went to the small child in her arms. You gasped lightly at the cute little girl. "Who's this?"

"This is Olivia!" The woman smiled at her daughter while bouncing her on her hip. "She's so cute!" You gushed, not noticing the way Drew watched you. "Would you like to hold her?"

Your eyes instantly lit up at the offer. "Are you sure?" She nodded happily while shifting her hold on the little girl.

You carefully took her into your hands and rested her on one of your hips. "Hi miss Olivia!" You smiled at her enthusiastically. The little girls eyes widened and she flashed the few teeth she had in a smile.

"Aren't you a cutie?!" You lightly bounced her and she giggled as her little pigtails jumped. "Wow she really likes you." The mom smiled as she placed her hands over her heart.

You finally looked up to see your boyfriends face. His eyes were focused on you, a smile etched on his face that had his cheeks hurting. "Isn't she adorable!" You raved. Olivia turned her focus to him, reaching out with one tiny hand.

Drew put his hand up to meet hers, and she instantly clutched onto his pointer finger. You thought you might cry from the cuteness and suddenly you wanted to have one of your own. "Hi sweetie." He cooed at the little girl.

"Do you guys want to take a picture?" You asked the couple who nodded happily. The husband first took a picture of you, Drew, Olivia, and her mom, then a selfie with all of you.

"Okay I guess I have to give you back?" You rubbed Olivia's back. She giggled lightly and then wrapped her small arms around your neck for a hug. That was it, you wanted your own.

You reluctantly handed her back over to her mom, thanking her for being so sweet. You went your separate ways and started gushing to Drew about the little girl.

"I mean her little pigtails are you kidding?!" He kissed the top of your head and laughed. "Yeah she was adorable." You walked in a comfortable silence before Drew spoke again.

"That could be us one day." You looked up and grinned, "yeah I like that idea." He pulled your closer into his side. "I gotta marry you first but then we are so having a mini us."

You threw your head back in laughter. "Sounds like a plan baby."

a/n: little imagine idea sent from @emgoncalves like forever ago!!

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