boy dad (rc)

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A/N: make sure you read girl dad before reading this!!! I wrote it months ago and a lot of people asked for a part 2!! I'm sorry it took so long but here you go I hope y'all enjoy and happy almost weekend my beautiful friends🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

You nervously paced back and forth, biting at your fingernails. You looked down at the bed to double check the set up.

The pregnancy test, most recent ultrasound, and a blue onesie sat neatly on the comforter.

Even you were surprised you managed to keep this a secret. Thankfully you didn't start showing until later in your last pregnancy, and the same applied this time.

You were never a huge drinker ever since having your daughter so it wasn't strange that you turned down alcoholic beverages.

The front door opened making you jump slightly. You smiled excitedly and listened as his footsteps grew closer.

Sarah took y/d/n for the night so that you could tell Rafe, just the two of you. You told her it was just a date night.

"Y/n/n? You home?" He asked loudly as he came down the hall. "In our room!" You yelled back, standing in front of the bed.

He opened the door and a smile immediately broke out onto his face. "Where's y/d/n?" He pulled you into a hug.

"She's with Sarah, I have something to tell you." He pulled away from your arms and kissed your lips. "What is it?" He smiled while looking at you.

You stepped to the side slightly, revealing the set up on the bed. He looked down with questioning eyes.

You could practically see the light bulb turning on above his head. His mouth opened in shock and his eyes widened.

You smiled happily, trying not to cry. "I fucking knew it!" He turned to you and scooped you up in his arms. "What?!" You yelled through your laughing.

"How'd you know?" You jokingly pouted. "You're my wife, of course I knew." He winked. Rafe had a sneaking suspicion you were pregnant, but of course he couldn't have known the gender until now. "Wait... it's a boy?"

He looked down at the tiny blue onesie. You nodded while letting a tear or two escape your eyes. He stared at you with misty eyes, completely paralyzed by the realization.

"Oh my god." He smiled, pulling you against his chest. "Wow, oh my god I'm so happy." He cried into your shoulder.

You rubbed your hand up and down his back, "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I just had a feeling." You pulled back and placed your hand between his collar and jaw. "I had a feeling it was boy so I thought I would wait and surprise you."

"Who else knows?" He asked curiously, "no one, I've been biting my fucking tongue for weeks." You laughed, relieved to finally be able to tell Rafe and everyone else. "y/d/n is gonna be so excited!"

You nodded in agreement with Rafe. Your daughter had been begging for a baby brother or sister for nearly a year now. "Can we go pick her up I want to tell her!" Rafe was practically jumping with joy at the thought.

"Yeah let's go get her." He grabbed your hand and you both hopped in the car to drive to Sarah and John b's house. He smiled the whole way there, making your heart swell.

John b opened the door and you all walked to the living room to see Sarah and y/d/n playing with dolls. "Look who's here!" John b told her causing your daughter to look up. She gasped and ran into your arms.

"Hi baby!" You smiled and kissed her cheek. Sarah set down the dolls and walked towards you and Rafe. "Hey I thought you were having a date night?" She asked curiously, wondering why you were already picking y/d/n up.

"Well... I may have lied." You smirked, looking to Rafe. You gave him a nod as if to tell him to reveal the secret. "Y/n's pregnant... were having a boy." He smiled widely and placed his hand on your stomach.

Sarahs hands flew to her mouth in surprise and John b's jaw dropped. Sarah screamed in excitement jumping up and down. She pulled you into a hug as John b congratulated Rafe.

"Your hear that lovey? Mommy's having a baby!" Sarah held onto y/d/n hands delicately. Her little eyes widened and she laughed happily. "You're getting a baby brother." You kissed the side of her face.

"Baby brother!" She squealed and danced around in your arms. Sarah moved over to hug her brother and John b pulled you into one. You felt tears welling up in your eyes again at  all of the happiness.

A few months had passed and you were being showered with love and support from your family. Rafe had been working so hard on assembling the new crib for your baby boy.

He was working on it one night after work while you put y/d/n to bed. You read her a bedtime story, or two cause you can't say no, before tucking her in and turning off the lights.

You made your way to your bedroom when you heard Rafe muttering from the next room. You furrowed your eyebrows and walked to the new nursery.

He angrily slammed the paper instruction manual onto the floor before resting his head in his hands. "Woah baby hey what's wrong?" You rushed to his side and bent down.

He looked up surprised to see you, he hadn't heard you walk by. "Oh uh- sorry it's nothing." He shook his head. His eyes were sad and you knew he was upset about something other than the crib assembly.

"Are you really gonna make your pregnant wife sit down on the floor?" A smirk danced across your face. Your bump was very prominent now and you needed help doing such things.

He sprung up, grabbing your hands and helping you up from your squatted position. "Let's get in bed and talk yeah?" You pushed his hair away from his forehead.

He nodded and smiled before you both went into your bedroom. You both did your night routine in a comfortable silence before snuggling under the covers.

You laid your head between his chest and shoulder. His free hand was placed lightly on your belly while he rubbed his thumb back and forth.

Rafe sighed loudly before finally talking. "I'm scared." You lifted your head to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were glossy.

"We've done this before we can do it again." You encouraged. "When you told me we were having a girl... I was scared shitless." A small laugh escaped your lips.

"But- I don't know it was like as soon as I held her for the first time I knew I was gonna be good at it."

"And you are. You're the best daddy to y/d/n." He bit his lip in thought. He gave you a quick kiss as a thanks before continuing.

"I've always wanted to have a boy. But now that it's real... what if I can't be who I need to be? What if I'm like-"

"No. You are not your father and you never will be." You cut him off with no hesitation. A tear escaped his eye and he quickly wiped it away with the heel of his hand.

"Rafe it doesn't matter if your a girl dad boy dad or a god damn dog dad." He threw his head back against the pillow and chuckled.

"You're amazing at what you do. And our son is so lucky to have you." He soaked up your sweet words. "I love you so much. I couldn't do this without you."

"Good thing you'll never have to." You kissed him softly and ran your fingers through his hair. You could tell he was relaxed and you happily cuddled closer into his side.

You turned off the lights and started drifting off. Rafe kept a hand on your belly. "Now I know this kid will be football captain." He whispered into the darkness making you giggle.

"Whatever you say coach."

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now