lovesick pt 2 (ds)

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"Mads you can't cry or she'll know somethings up!" Drew scolded the girl while laughing. She dabbed the corners of her eyes with a tissue.

"I know I know! Sorry, okay I'm good." She inhaled through her nose before slowly exhaling out of her mouth.

Today was the day Drew would ask you to marry him. Nervous was an understatement. This is the moment little girls dreamed of, and he needed it to be perfect for you.

Thankfully you were dating and in a friend group of actors. There was a high chance you'd have no idea what's going on.

All you knew was that Maddie had an "event" tonight and wanted to bring you. She made something up about a brand deal and you agreed easily.

She needed you to think it was an event so the both of you could get your nails done and get dressed up. That way the pictures of your hand that were sure to be taken, would be good.

She was at yours and Drew's shared apartment, going over the plan. You were at a coffee shop with some coworkers for a meeting, so you'd meet up with Maddie after.

"Okay. So nails take like how long?" Drew asked, pacing back and forth. "It'll take around an hour, then were gonna go get ready at my place." He nodded as she spoke, nervously biting on his lip.

"I'll text you when were leaving, we'll walk to the spot, and then boom proposal!" She threw her hands out with a big smile. Drew couldn't help but laugh, "okay okay perfect. Don't forget to text me."

"I won't." She rolled her eyes at him. "And you and everyone else will be there before us so don't worry." He thought he might throw up he felt so nervous, and he wasn't even proposing yet.

Drew made her repeat the plan once more before leaving. Thankfully the rest of the cast was coming over so he wouldn't have to sit with his worries for too long.

Meanwhile, you stood outside of the nail salon, texting Drew to let him know you made it safely.

Have fun baby! ily

thank you :) ily2

"y/n/n!" You heard your name right as you put your phone into your purse. "Hey!" You shouted excitedly while pulling your friend into a hug. You both happily bounced into the salon and got seated.

"I'm thinking a light baby pink?" You looked to Maddie as you shuffled through colors. "Ooo yes perfect." She responded, keeping her excitement hidden.

You talked aimlessly as the nail tech worked her magic. "What's the event for again?" You asked. Without missing a beat Maddie responded, "It's a new beauty company! They're Charleston local and trying to build up their business."

You smiled as she talked, "Aw that's awesome, I can't wait!" You and Maddie actually grew up near each other and that's how you came to be friends. You were then introduced to the obx crew and the rest was history.

Charleston was an important place to you and Drew. So naturally Drew knew that was where he was going to propose. Specifically the waterfront park, at the fountain. You both walked along the water many date nights there, so it was a special place.

Now that your nails were perfect, the pair of you made your way to Maddie's apartment. "Okay... I brought my own clothes but..." You dragged on your sentence.

You always borrowed Maddie's clothes, she was the one with the amazing wardrobe. Your friend laughed, "oh I've got something for you!"

You furrowed your eyebrows as she pulled a box out of her closet. She placed it in your hands and clapped her hands together. "Maddie you didn't have to get me anything..."

"I didn't do anything." She smirked and raised one brow. You took off the lid to see tissue paper with a card on top,

just because
- d

You immediately smiled and carefully pulled back the paper. The fabric was light pastels with florals, and you instantly fell in love.

"Oh my gosh." You muttered under your breath. Maddie peeked over your shoulder, even though she'd seen the dress before.

"It's so pretty." You lifted it up in awe. You had no idea why he decided to buy this for you but Drew was always getting you little surprises.

"You're gonna look so good." Maddie beamed. After fawning over the dress you both moved to the bathroom to get ready.

You both helped each other with your hair and makeup before getting dressed. Maddie called an Uber and you took some pictures together before leaving.

"Are you nervous or something?" You looked over at Maddie, who was bobbing her leg up and down while scanning the parking lot.

"What? Oh! No I'm fine... sorry too much coffee earlier." You laughed at her comment, still completely oblivious.

You both started walking down the street, getting closer to the water. As you mindlessly babbled about work drama you hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

Maddie's phone buzzed in her hand and she gave you an apologetic face. You waved her off saying no worries and telling her to answer it.

"Walk to the fountain I'll meet you there in a few!" She then raised the phone to her ear turning around.

The weather was nice out tonight thankfully and you strolled down the cement, looking at the sunset over the water.

Once you were close enough you stumbled to a stop. "Drew?" He nervously smiled at you. "Hi baby." You smiled with narrowed eyes.

"What are you doing here?" You pulled him into a hug. He grabbed both of your hands in his, looking you in the eye.

"You look really pretty." You looked down at your new dress and blushed, "thank you, I love it." He still hadn't said why he was here.

He licked his lips before speaking. "Y/n, I have loved you since the moment I saw you. I don't care how stupid it sounds it's true."

Your eyes started to water. "You know me better than I know myself. It makes me so happy waking up and knowing I get to love you."

"I will always be there for you no matter what and I know you'll do the same. It's always gonna be you y/n/n."

You gasped as Drew lowered himself to stand on one knee. He let go of one of your hands to retrieve the velvet box.

Your hand flew to your mouth as you shook with nerves. "I'm already the luckiest man on earth because I have you. But would you make it even better and marry me?"

You quickly nodded your head up and down, tears now falling from your eyes. Your hand came down to cup his cheek, wiping his own tears away.

"Yes oh my god yes." He pushed the ring onto your shaking hand and engulfed you in a hug. You smiled into his shoulder while looking at your ring.

Suddenly Maddie and everyone came running up to congratulate you. They cheered loudly as Drew placed a searing kiss onto your lips.

"I love you." You whispered. One of his hands held your waist while the other held the back of your head. "I love you more."

a/n: a few people asked for a part two so I hope y'all like it!! Thank you for your continued support it means the world to me. I love y'all so very much!!!🤍 and whatever you celebrate during this time, happy holidays!

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now