girl dad (rc)

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It was no secret that Rafe Cameron was terrified to be a dad. And who could blame him? He lost his mom when he was young and Ward wasn't exactly father of the year.

Once he could grasp the idea as a little boy, he knew he wanted to break that cycle. If he ever had kids, he would make sure to love them fiercely.

You never doubted him for a second. You knew he would be the best father no matter his past. He was strong and determined but had the softest heart and such a gentle touch.

You'll never forget his face when you told him you were pregnant. You'd never seen his eyes so wide and his jaw was practically on the floor. "You're kidding are you lying- don't lie to me- baby" He rambled out without breathing.

You cupped his face in your hands, tears pricking at your eyes. "You're gonna be a dad. The best one." You nudged your nose with his and he finally broke out of his trance. He lowered down to his knees, placing a hand on your stomach.

"Hi" He whispered, smiling with tears in his eyes. "I'm your dad. I love you so much." He gently leant forward and placed a kiss on your stomach. You smiled down at him and ran your fingers through his hair.

Throughout the next nine months he practically stayed glued to your side. Holding your hand at every doctor appointment, never letting you lift anything over five pounds, and certainly making sure you were well fed and well rested.

Your nausea unfortunately lasted quite long in the beginning. Most mornings of the first trimester you'd be sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting for the pain to subside. But you knew it was normal, your mother had the same experience with you.

Rafe on the other hand, was ready to take you to the hospital. "Baby are you sure? I can just take you and we can get you checked out quick? I can be a little late to work!" He would pace back and forth in your bedroom causing you to laugh.

"I'm okay I promise! Just grab me some water yeah?" And that man would bolt down the stairs, coming back in record time with water and some painkillers just incase. "You're amazing, I love you."

"I love you more." He would respond, kissing your forehead.

He also loved to talk to the baby, before bed he would lay on his stomach and just talk. Every so often placing a fleeting kiss on your body. "I'll teach you how to play football," He started before looking up to you, "our son will totally be the captain."

You quirked your eyebrow up, "what makes you so sure it's a boy?" You giggled. He shrugged, "I dunno, I just feel it." He joked, tickling you a little.

So when pink confetti popped out of the balloon he swore his life flashed before his eyes.

Girls scared the hell out of him. Yes he grew up with two sisters but being a brother and father were very different.

He knew he would want to do everything he could to protect his little girl. And Rafe was a man of his words.

He thought the amount of love he had for you was near impossible. When your baby arrived though, he learned a whole new meaning of love. She had your eyes and his nose, and he couldn't wait to see more similarities as she grew.

Flash forward and y/d/n was four years old. She was spoiled beyond belief, not only by her parents but her Aunt's Sarah and Wheezie.

But she still knew the importance of being kind and grateful. Sometimes you thought there was a wise fifty year old woman in her tiny little body.

You fished your keys out of your purse, balancing the other bags on your arms. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and you had gone out to run a few errands. Leaving y/d/n and Rafe snuggled on the couch.

"I'm home!" You shouted in a sing-song voice. Placing the bags down with a huff. You heard her little shriek before you saw her, and then quickly felt her arms wrap around your legs.

"Mommy!" You gasped exaggeratedly and bent down to pick her up. "Hi pretty girl!" You covered her face in kisses, making her giggle.

"Where's my kiss?" Rafe walked into the room with his hands raised. You raised your chin and pouted your lips, to which he gave you a quick kiss.

y/d/n looked at Rafe with grabby hands to which he happily took her from you and rested her on his hip. You noticed a bright pink color on his hands and you raised your eyebrows, holding in a laugh.

"So what did you two get into today?" You motioned towards the bright pink nail polish messily done on his fingers. "We made you lunch!" Your daughter shouted, obviously sidetracked.

Rafe held her torso with one hand and lifted the other so you could get a better look at the paint job. "I had to be a pretty princess before I could cook." He rolled his eyes laughing.

"Well what did you pretty princesses make me?" You followed them into the kitchen and over to her small play set table. There was a plate with little finger sandwiches and another with some cut up fruit and veggies.

"It's a tea party!" She shouted excitedly, squirming out of Rafe's hold. You and Rafe bent down to sit in the tiny plastic chairs, uncomfortable but worth it to see her little smile.

You bit back a smile as Rafe sipped from the tiny cup, pinky up in a proper position. Y/d/n started talking about the newest Disney show she was excited to watch.

You kept sneaking glances at Rafe, adoring his concentrated face. After the tea party, you took y/d/n up for a nap. Once leaving her room you found Rafe downstairs cleaning up the dishes.

You walked up behind him and snaked your arms around his waist. "You're such a girl dad." You placed a kiss in-between his shoulder blades.

"What?" He laughed, turning his body to face yours. "You're just such a girl dad!" He smirked, knowing you were right. "I know... who would've thought." He shrugged his shoulders jokingly, leaning down to kiss you sweetly.

It was true, he was the perfect girl dad. You knew he still wanted to have a boy someday. He wanted to be the father he wished he had for his son.

Which is why you couldn't wait to tell him about the secret doctor appointment you had today. Where you found out his wish would come true.

a/n: dad Rafe dad Rafe dad Rafe!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹

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