rescue (rc)

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a/n: this is a request from JATPWillexlover Reader has diabetes and is dealing with low blood sugar. I didn't know much about this prior to them requesting and explaining everything to me so I hope it's alright!! xoxo

"Hey! Let me out! Ugh!" You screamed while slamming your palms against the door. With a defeated drop of your head you turned around and walked to the bed.

You sat down on the edge, leaning forward and resting your head in your hands. Taking a few deep breaths, you tried to ignore the dizzy feeling that had overcome you.

You couldn't lie, you loved poguelandia, but thinking you were finally on the way home felt nice. Only to then be grabbed by a bunch nut jobs. You only hoped your friends made it out safe.

You finally surveyed the rest of the room, truthfully relieved to see an actual bathroom with a shower. The red dresses hanging up caught your eye.

After reading the note you reluctantly showered and changed. At least this meant you'd be let out eventually. The shower felt amazing but you quickly started feeling off again.

Pulling you from your thoughts, the doors opened. One of the men clad in tactical gear, instructed you to go downstairs.

Carefully you descended the staircase, the lightheaded feeling returning, causing you to pause and grip the railing. Once stable you peeked your head into the first room, "excuse me-" you breath hitched in your throat.

The familiar face in front of you had you worried you'd gone crazy. "Y/n?" Rafe spoke, your eyes widened as you gasped. "Oh my god Rafe..."

You felt a million different things at once. Anger, happiness, concern, hatred, just to name a few. He started walking towards you, to which you took a hesitant step back.

"I knew this reunion would cause sparks." You quickly whipped your head around at the new voice. You were instructed to sit, and you listened intently as Singh talked about El Dorado.

Rafe however was extremely annoyed and uninterested, simply coming to try and make a deal.
He kept his eyes on you as Singh finished talking, noticing your strange demeanor.

"What do you want from me?" You asked, feeling your hands start to shake. "Your friends, they have a diary." And then the feeling hit you like a bunch of bricks. You stated off in the distance, not able to answer.

"Y/n/n..." you heard Rafe next to you, but you could barely place him, "shit." You muttered under your breath.

"What the hell is happening?" Singh asked, more annoyed than concerned. Rafe thought for a moment before immediately springing into action.

"Where's the kitchen?" He stood up. Singh looked at him confused, "where the fuck is the kitchen?!" He yelled, standing over you with a comforting hand on your shoulder.

You didn't notice, but Singh must've told him because suddenly you were alone. You tried to take deep breaths because you thought your heart might beat out of you chest.

Rafe ran back into the room, dropping to his knees in front of you. "Here, drink this." You grabbed the cup that was shoved into your face and drank the sugary drink.

Rafe watched intensely, waiting for your symptoms to subside. One of his hands held onto your shaky one, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your knuckles. Singh paced back and forth, just wanting to know where the diary was.

"She needs to rest." Rafe demanded, hands still lightly brushing your thighs. He thought for a moment, "fine." With a wave of his hands, his men were ushering you both back upstairs.

"Hey dickhead be easy with her." Rafe practically growled at the men, holding onto your body as you walked back to the room.

Once being in your room, you felt your blood sugar regulating, and felt yourself getting better. Rafes eyes hadn't left your body. He continued to check for the signs you taught him years ago.

"Hey, I grabbed these too." Rafe smiled while handing you some crackers, sitting next to you and brushing your hair from your face. You looked into his blue eyes and felt everything crumble. "Uh- thank you."

He smirked, happy to have been the one to help you. You and Rafe had history, and even though his choices lately had been questionable, he knew what to do to keep you safe.

After you finished you took a deep breath. "Hey there she is, you feel better?" He asked, rubbing your back. You simply nodded, slightly smiling. You hated yourself for not hating him.

"You know I would never let anything happen to you right?" You sat still, unsure of what to say. You loved Rafe, there was no denying that. But after everything you didn't know what to think.

"You should get some sleep." He spoke, once realizing you weren't responding. "I'll take the floor." He grabbed a pillow and laid at the foot of the bed.

You scooted back, slipping under the covers. You laid there in silence, unable to sleep despite being exhausted. "Rafe?"

"Yeah?" You sat up once knowing he was awake. "Come lay with me?" You asked hesitantly. You watched as his shadow stood up, rounding the bed and slipping in next to you.

Without hesitation he pulled you into him, your head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around your frame.

"Just sleep, we'll worry about everything tomorrow." He placed a kiss on your forehead, melting away all of your fears.

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