fresh start (rc)

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Ward Cameron was dead. Even saying it in your head felt wrong, it just didn't seem right. The past few days had been an absolute mess.

Unfortunately you were also completely brainwashed by the Cameron family and your own. You've lived with your aunt and uncle since you were young, your parents had tragically passed in a car accident.

You felt so lucky to live with them and they treated you like their own. Your uncle grew up on figure eight and is Ward's closest friend and business partner.

That's how you met Rafe in the first place. The rest is history and you've been together for two years. Rafe made sure to keep you away from all of the gold stuff, not wanting you to get involved.

You were the only person he considered confessing his crime to, but decided against it. He may have been greedy and arrogant, but he loved you madly. And swore to himself that he would protect you.

Of course you knew Sarah, you loved both of his little sisters. But his family simply convinced you she was going through a rebellious phase, hanging out with the pogues.

You stood in your boyfriends room as you wrapped your arms around his torso from behind. Laying the side of your face on his back. You could feel his muscles loosen under your touch.

He wrapped his hands around your forearms, letting out a big sigh. "I love you." You whispered, unsure of what else to say.

"I love you more. Everything is going to be better soon I promise." He turned around to face you, placing a kiss on your lips.

You furrowed your eyebrows wondering why he was talking like you were the one who needed to be consoled. "I'll come over tomorrow yeah?" You smiled at him, not knowing everything was about to change.

You were awoken early the next morning, your aunt gently shaking your shoulder. You groaned rolling over to face her.

"What time is it?" You mumbled into your pillow. "Get up. We have to go, I need you to pack." You quickly noticed the rushed tone of her voice.

You sat up and brushed the hair away from your face. The orange hue of the sunrise peeking through your blinds.

"Why? What's wrong?" You were now alert, watching her scramble through your closet. "We're leaving." She stated simply.

"Obviously... where?" You threw the covers off of your legs as you stood. "We're going with the Cameron's, it's business related."

Her answers clearly weren't giving you might insight but you decided to keep your mouth shut and work with her, knowing there must be a good reason.

You hurriedly changed and packed as much as you could, helping your uncle pack up the car before driving off.

When you pulled into a shipyard your confusion only grew, "okay please tell me what's happening!!" You whined from the backseat.

You were given no answer as you scrambled across the seats clutching your backpack strap tightly with anxiety.

"Y/n/n!" You spun around at the sound of Rafes voice, already feeling better. You ran to him and pulled him into you.

"Come on, it's okay." That's all you needed to hear as you grabbed your things and boarded the ginormous boat.

You walked into a common room to see Rose and Wheezie, you went up and hugged the youngest girl noticing a smile on her face. "I'm so glad you guys could join us." You turned around and saw a ghost.

"Holy shit." You huffed out, seeing Ward in front of you. You mumbled an apology when your uncle glared at you for your language. After letting your gawk over the fact that your boyfriends father was very much alive, he explained everything to you.

Rafe noticed your uncomfortable demeanor and excused the both of you. He pulled you into a small room with a twin size bed, motioning for you to sit. He grabbed both of your hands with his, running his thumb along your palm.

"I know it's a lot." You scoffed, "a lot is an understatement." Rafe nervously nodded, biting onto his cheek. "But listen." He tilted your chin to look up at him as he spoke.

"It's just you and me now, like we've always talked about." You nodded slowly letting the words seep in. "Who knows if this is temporary or what but I don't even care. I have you with me. I love you sweetheart, you know I won't let anything happen to you."

A smile tugged at your lips knowing his words were genuine. Rafe wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on you if it was up to him, and now it was. "We're gonna start over, and- and you'll live with us!"

You bit on your bottom lip anxiously. "I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to share a room with you but we'll figure it out." He winked making you laugh. He smiled once hearing the sound. "Hey. There's my girl."

You felt the blush creeping onto your cheeks. "I love you Rafe. I trust you." He grabbed your face in his hands, pulling your lips to his. You released the tension from your shoulders, getting drunk on the feeling of him.

Rafe felt at ease, hearing you say you trusted him. You were his anchor, the only thing that kept him from going completely off the deep end. "I love you more." He responded with the sentiment he always did.

Rafe treated you like you always dreamed a boyfriend would. You had no idea what you were in for, and deep down you knew it probably wasn't good. Yet in that moment you couldn't care less.

a/n: another idea by randomdshi thank you beautiful!!! Also, September is suicide prevention month and I wanted to say that I love you all so very much and you can ALWAYS talk to me. I know what it's like to think you're better off gone, it's a horrible feeling. But you are NOT alone, you never will be. Your are so loved and worthy of this life. I want you to stay, I need you to stay. Be safe and know that you are needed, even when your mind tells you that you aren't. 💗💗💗

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