here for you (rc)

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TW‼️: alcohol and substance abuse

Your life was simple before Rafe Cameron came crashing into it. You had perfect grades, great friends, and never broke a rule. When the blue eyed boy took an interest in you, you fell fast.

He was different, he was dangerous, something you'd never been. It seemed exciting and it was at first. Going to parties as Rafe's girl was monumental to your classmates. These people thrived off of gossip.

Of course you'd been around alcohol, most parties involved beer. Occasionally you'd been at a party and people were smoking weed, but it was the cocaine that really surprised you.

You started drinking more and more when you went to parties with Rafe every weekend. You liked the way you were able to let loose, not worry so much. You told yourself you'd never do anything else.

Until one night you were hammered and a joint somehow ended up in your hand. You coughed so hard at first you thought you might die. Eventually you got used to it and it became part of the routine.

Rafe didn't think anything of it for a while. He was too high or drunk most of the time anyways to notice you taking it too far. Until one night he took things too far.

He had countless drinks in his system and done a few lines, you had only done one. Your brother, John b, started calling you.

He was freaking out because he didn't know you had left and once he could tell you were at a party he got upset.

Rafe was a horrible influence on you and John b was tired of it. You started to get paranoid, not liking being in an argument with your brother.

Rafe offered to drive you home, you hadn't even thought about what a bad idea that was. You were so close to the chateau... Rafe swerved just a little but because he was so disoriented he lost control.

He drove right into a tree, both of your bodies slamming forward before your seatbelts locked.

"What the fuck?!" John b was yelling, running towards the car. You pulled back and touched your forehead, blood smearing onto your fingers.

"Shit baby are you okay? Fuck I'm so sorry." He started apologizing profusely, trying to take a look at your injuries.

John b practically ripped you out of the car, pulling you into the house. "Dude I- I'm so sorry it was an accident. Oh my god let me help her I can help-"

"NO. You've done enough." You glanced back at Rafe and managed a small smile. But your head was pounding and your vision was blurry.

John b tended to your wound before getting you into bed. Rafe walked all the way home. Not even noticing his own injury until he looked in the mirror. A gash across his cheek.

You woke up with a headache and a bunch of messages from your boyfriend. You peeked in your brothers room to see him still passed out. You carefully stepped out of the house and biked to Rafe's.

He swung the door open and his face softened seeing the band-aid on your head. "Y/n/n fuck I'm so sorry." You just wrapped your arms around his body. "It's not just your fault. I should've never let us leave like that. We were both way too fucked up."

"But still, I was the one who drove and I hurt you." He dropped his shoulders and hugged you tighter. "Really baby I'm okay." You pulled back and examined his cheek, noticing his poor clean up job you pulled him inside.

Once you were done you both laid down on his bed. "I'm done with it." He spoke, making you lift your head up to look at him. "What?"

"I'm done with all of it. Booze, coke, I won't be near it. You only ever started doing it because of me and what kind of boyfriend does that make me?" You pursed your lips in thought, knowing he was right.

"Okay then were both done with it. You and me." You bent down to kiss him. You snuggled up closer and eventually fell asleep.

At first everything was great, it wasn't a walk in the park, but having each other to lean on really helped. But it proved to be harder to quit than you thought.

It started with you having a drink occasionally, beers with the Pogues. Then it turned into every day, wether it was beer, a glass of wine, or liquor. It was just alcohol though you could handle it, Rafe didn't have to worry.

One night things got to be too much. You'd been drinking straight from the vodka bottle. Your brother and his friends were out, leaving you alone at the chateau. You couldn't be alone with your thoughts, so you drank.

When you drank, you craved a line. You found yourself rummaging through your room, hoping you had left some somewhere. You found a tiny bag shoved in the back of your drawer.

You had been ignoring Rafe, not wanting to disappoint him. If he didn't see it, it wouldn't hurt him right?

You lined up the powder, bending over the coffee table and feeling that familiar high. You laid back on the couch, eyes closed.

"Y/n?" His voice turned your blood cold, you sat up abruptly, wiping the table to rid any of the leftover. Rafe stood in the doorway, raised eyebrows. No words came out even though your mind was racing.

He pointed to his nose, trying to tell you something. You swiped your finger under your nose, pulling back to see blood trailing down your finger.

When you looked up at him again, you broke. Sobs wracked your body and he jumped right to you. His pulled you into his arms, shushing you and rubbing your back. "I'm so sorry." You cried.

"Don't be sorry it's okay." You shook your head that was hiding in his chest. "You probably hate me." He grabbed your shoulders, pulling you back so he could look at you. "No. No baby I could never hate you."

"It was just harder than I thought and I- I don't know I just couldn't." He nodded understandingly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't wanna worry you." He smiled sadly, "that's my job y/n/n. I'll always worry about you." You bit your lip, looking down at your lap. "Why'd you even come over?"

"You weren't answering my texts and Sarah said you weren't with them." He grabbed a napkin from the table, wiping the blood from your face. "M'sorry." You mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

"You don't need to be sorry, I should've never gotten you involved in this. Let me be here for you please? I'm here for you okay? We'll get through it together, just like you said." You nodded, cupping one side of his face.

"I'm sorry y/n, you deserve better." He quickly wiped at the tears that started to spill from his eyes. "you're here, that's all that matters." He nodded, pulling you in for a kiss.

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now