take flight (ds)

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Drew crouched down, plopping into the window seat. He was finally headed off the the Bahamas for filming. He shoved his carry on bag down under the seat in front of him.

Leaning back into the seat he pulled out his phone to text the cast, letting them know he would be taking off soon. He tried to adjust in the seat and was just hoping he could sleep at least some of the flight.

"Okay right here buddy." You brushed your falling hair behind your ears, telling your little brother Will to sit down. "Why do I have to be in the middle?" He threw his head back complaining.

"You're small." You fired back just trying to get situated. "Not my fault you're big." You narrowed your eyes at him and Drew had to bite his lip to not laugh at the blunt nine year old. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that."

You huffed placing you and Will's bags down. You looked over and made eye contact with Drew, realizing how cute he was. You gave him a small smile, praying your cheeks weren't flushed with embarrassment.

Will was playing with a toy car waiting for the plane to pull out of the terminal. "Hey keep your hands in your bubble." You reminded him as he ran the car all over his seat and Drews.

"I'm sorry." You gave Drew an apologetic smile. He waved you off with his hand, "Oh he's fine." You nodded, staring for a beat too long. Drew watched as you ran your hands up and down your legs as the plane pulled out.

You were never a big fan of airplanes, they made you nervous. You flew your hand out and Will instantly wrapped his around yours, knowing that you didn't like to fly. Drew smiled at the exchange watching as you squeezed your eyes shut as the plane sped down the runway.

Once in the air and through some turbulence you pulled out the iPad to get a movie going for your brother. "I'm gonna try and sleep, wake me if you need anything." You kissed the top Will's head before placing your earphones in and resting your head against the not so comfortable seat.

Drew was looking out the window, watching the clouds go by and the world below get smaller. He felt a tap on his arm and looked over to see Will looking up at him. "I'm Will." Drew smiled, "I'm Drew."

"I think my sister likes you." Drew laughed, loving how straight forward the kid was. "I think your sister's pretty." He whispered back causing Will to grimace. "Wanna watch spider man with me?" He turned the screen to show Drew.

"Yeah." Will smiled and handed Drew one side of the earphones. Drew grinned as Will acted out the fight scenes, trying to impress the older boy. He joined in, pretending to fight and letting Will win.

Your brother laughed as Drew pretended to be dead, laying his head against the seat with his tongue sticking out. "You're funny." Drew sat back up fist pumping Will, "You too bud."

A while later you slowly opened your eyes, feeling the pain in your neck from laying a funny way. You rubbed your eyes while stretching your back. You looked over to see Will sleeping, he was laying against Drew's arm and your jaw dropped at the cuteness.

Drew smiled at you as you started to apologize. He did his best not to move the boy, "It's okay, he's a cool kid." You laughed rolling your eyes. "He's a handful but he's the best."

"I'm uh Drew by the way." You smiled, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, "I'm y/n." The two of you started to talk about your destination, you and Will were meeting some family for a vacation.

"North Carolina is home though?" You nodded your head, "born and raised." He smiled and told you about where he grew up, not too far from you. You continued to talk for a while, really hitting it off.

Suddenly the plane went through a patch of turbulence and you instinctively threw your hand out again, gripping onto Drew's. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. Drew let you squeeze his hand as he ran his thumb back and forth comfortingly.

Once it passed you looked down and noticed you were holding his hand. "Oh I'm sorry." You blushed starting to pull away. "Don't be." He squeezed your hand once more before releasing.

Will eventually woke up, drool dripping from his lip. "Good nap?" You smiled at his groggy state. "You're comfy." He patted Drew's arm making you laugh.

Once landing, Drew helped you carry your bag's off of the plane. You thanked him as he set them down next to you. "I don't want Drew to go." Will pouted, sticking his lip out at you.

"Maybe I could get your number? For when we're back home," Will jumped up and down excitedly. "For a playdate of course." Drew winked and you smirked handing him your phone. Will wrapped his arms around Drew's legs, thanking him for playing on the plane.

Drew patted him on the back leaning forward and placing a quick kiss on your cheek. "I'll see you back at home y/n. Have a good trip." You nodded and said the same, watching as he walked away.

You leaned down to be eye level with Will. "Who knew I'd have a nine year old wingman." He tilted his head giving you a puzzled look. You just laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Drew said he thinks you're pretty." You stood up holding Will's hand as you started to walk towards baggage claim. "Oh does he?" You bit your lip, happy this trip was already off to a great start.

a/n: I have an exam tomorrow then I'm on spring break and thank the lord because I am SO mentally checked out. Hope y'all have a great rest of your week!! <3

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