see you later pt. 2 (ds)

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You anxiously bit at your nails, dying to board to plane already. A few weeks had passed and you couldn't wait to see Drew.

You decided to surprise him though, wanting to make it even more special. You had coordinated with the rest of the cast and worked around your schedules to find the perfect weekend.

The cast was wrapping up their filming in the Bahamas so you would be able to celebrate with them. You texted your group chat with basically all of the cast but Drew, letting them know you would be boarding soon.

As the rest of them responded, Drew texted you and you clicked quickly on the notification.

good morning sweet girl :)
bout to start for the day but I'll call u later
ily 🤍

morning!! have fun, talk to u soon
ily2 🤍

You smiled to yourself as you grew more excited. You were the first one up when they started calling to board.

Drew would be busy filming until you got there so he wouldn't really have a chance to notice you being unresponsive.

operation surprise


The plan was that you would meet them at their final location of the day. You would FaceTime him and show him where you were, and most likely get a good laugh while watching him connect the dots.

You thanked your driver as you grabbed your bag and hopped out of the car. You took a deep breath as you walked towards set, constantly keeping an eye out for anyone.

Madison spotted you and immediately smiled jogging towards you. She pulled you into a hug as she silently celebrated your arrival.

"Oh! Also Jonas wanted in on the surprise so we tweaked the plan." She smiled at you mischievously making you laugh.

You crept up to stand with the rest of the crew. Jonas told Drew he wanted one more shot for one of his solo scenes.

The boys had grabbed Drew's phone from his trailer and placed it on the table. This scene would be quiet, Rafe being all psycho and serious.

So they turned his ringer all the way up, your call would blast through the quiet set. You had butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks hurt from smiling.

You were quietly tucked in a corner, awaiting a signal from the others. "Action!" Jonas yelled making you flinch slightly.

It was the longest few minutes of your life until Madelyn gave you a discrete thumbs up. Your somewhat shaky hand pulled up your favorites list, pressing your boyfriends name.

Everyone's head shot up at the sound and Drew pulled his eyebrows together in clear confusion. "Seriously?" Jonas yelled, his fake anger even scaring you.

"Shit sorry I uh- swore I left that in the trailer." Drew jogged over to the table, he had never seen Jonas get like this. "I'll turn it off." Jonas shook his hand walking the other way.

"Might as well answer it now!" You but your lip in anticipation, feeling a little bad for Drew in this moment.

He gave his cast mates a weary look before pressing the phone to his ear. "Hey baby I really can't talk right now-"

"Wait I have something really important to tell you!" You spoke out in a rushed tone while sneaking your way closer to everyone.

Drew nervously scratched the back of his neck, not wanting to cut you off but not wanting to get scolded more. "Real quick." He sighed. You tip toed and held your breath watching as the rest of the cast hid their smiles.

"Turn around." You said once you were only a few feet away. He looked up to the cast with his eyebrows knit together.

Confusion flashed across his face before he turned his head on his neck. You pulled your phone down smiling from ear to ear.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Everyone cheered as he laughed in pure shock, still looking around as the gears turned in his head.

Once snapping out of it he rushed over to you, scooping you up in his arms. You laughed as he spun you around, holding on tight to his shoulders.

"How are you here?" He questioned once he put you down, still looking at you in disbelief. "It's thanks to them." You smiled pointing over to your friends.

His hands were still placed on your waist as he turned to look at them, shaking his head. He pulled you back in for another hug and you gladly accepted.

Drew constantly had his hands on you the rest of the night. The car ride to his place, as you both got ready for dinner, and as you sat around a fire on the beach.

You were sitting in his lap, arm wrapped around his shoulders. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist, his other palm splayed on top of your thigh.

He looked up at you puckering his lips together and you happily leaned over placing your lips on his. "I'm so happy you're here." He smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"Me too. I can't believe I didn't ruin the surprise." You laughed remembering how hard you had to bite your tongue every time you talked to him.

"I'm so proud of you, you've done so many amazing things." You praised as he looked at you with adoration in his eyes.

"Wouldn't want to celebrate with anybody else." You leaned your body over, placing your head on his shoulder.

You enjoyed the rest of the night on the beach with the cast and it was so much fun. You were laughing until your stomach hurt, running around like kids with your feet in the sand.

Later you and Drew made your way back to his place, feeling exhausted. You both quickly got ready for bed and happily shimmied under the covers, cuddling up to one another.

You both let out a sigh of relief feeling so content together. You wrapped your body around his, feeling like you were back home again.

"Thank you for coming." He whispered into your hair, placing a kiss on your head. "Of course." You responded.

Even though you were both exhausted you aimlessly talked for another hour, listening as Drew told you all about the new season.

"I almost said see you later like I would on FaceTime." Drew laughed placing a kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight baby." You smiled. "Goodnight y/n."

a/n: thank you to @JJandRafeeeeSlut for suggesting a part 2!

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