So Long, Rafe Cameron (rc)

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Simply knowing Rafe Cameron was a roller coaster within itself. But you were different, you had been with Rafe Cameron since you were sixteen years old. You remember when he asked you out like it was yesterday.

Butterflies swarmed in your stomach and you thought might throw up from nerves. Every girl was obsessed with him so when he picked you?... You felt special. Yet you had no idea what would come as you grew older.

You stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe. You did your best to look past it but that only proved harder and harder. Your relationship became strained, at first you thought you were overreacting.

By your senior year he started getting extra weird, treating you as if you were nothing more than an acquaintance. He ditched date nights and barely spoke to you unless you initiated the conversation.

You pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away. And you were able to keep him for a while but it only proved to be harder and harder. When you first saw him with another girl, you thought you might die.

You were at a party at Toppers house, drunk off your ass and just enjoying being young and carefree. Dancing around with your friends like nothing would ever change the wonderful life you had.

After an hour or so you realized you hadn't seen your boyfriend in a while. You excused yourself to go in search of him. You walked down the halls, giggling drunkenly every time you ran into a wall.

Turning the corner you saw Rafe with another girl. They were just talking but they were all over each other. She was completely entranced by him. The sound of your gasp pulled him away.

The girl looked kind of... guilty? Like she knew it was wrong but still fell for the charm of Rafe. You couldn't blame her entirely, not really. "What the fuck?" You finally spoke, your voice sounding foreign to your own ears.

Once you felt grounded again you ran off, no plan of where to go but anywhere besides there. Rafe's voice was muffled as he called after you.

"Y/n/n please wait!" You ended up on the front lawn, the music drowning out the farther you got.

You stopped in place, jaw tensed so hard you thought you might break a tooth. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You asked, looking into his deep blue eyes. "You're an asshole!" You yelled, hitting him in the chest.

"I didn't opt in to be your odd man out!" You yelled, pushing him backwards. You couldn't believe he took your kindness for granted. You had been nothing but good to him and this is how he repaid you...

"Baby it was nothing! I promise y/n I love you!" He yelled, gripping your face tightly in his hands. "You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?" You yelled in his face, your wild eyes searching his.

As much as you wanted to kick and yell, you loved him too much to hate him. So you did something you thought you would never do, you stayed with him, and you let him pull you back in.

The rest of senior year went by just fine, he had finally showed you the same love he had in the beginning of your relationship. He took you on dates, bought you gifts, and always reminded you how in love with you he was.

You both graduated from Kildare academy and moved on to USC together. He joined a fraternity and you joined a sorority. Everything was perfect again... except the doubt constantly creeping in your mind.

He started getting distant again, blaming it on school work and his fraternity. You believed him, you always did.

You finally confessed this to your friends during a wine night. You were all cuddled up on the couch and they listened intently as you ranted on and on about the past. They looked at you with such pity.

"It isn't right to be scared, every day of a love affair." Their words hit you in the gut, because you knew they were right. "... When you're not sure if he wants to be there." The floodgates opened as you cried into their arms.

Hearing it from someone else made it so much more real. "I have to go." You muttered as your gulped down the last of your glass. "What? Where are you going?" Your roommate asked concerned.

"To end this bullshit." You said simply before walking out the front door. Thankfully Rafe only lived a few houses down with his fraternity brothers.

You walked right through the front door as his roommates turned their heads. "Is Rafe home?" You asked innocently. Their paling faces told you everything you needed to know. They looked at you sadly, before nodding up and down.

With a broken heart you walked up the stairs and towards his room. You stood there for a moment as you tried to remember the good times. But no good man would ever make you feel this way.

You turned the knob with a shaky hand, immediately seeing his body on top of some girl. In your drunken state you started laughing. The kind of laugh a woman has when she's fed up.

He whipped his head around and the color left his face. Deep down you knew this was happening but seeing it was a different story.

"My friends were right... I was right!" You yelled as the poor girl grabbed her shirt and hastily pulled it over her head. "Fuck you Rafe... I'll find someone so much better than you." You smiled before turning around to leave.

"Y/n.... y/n/n wait!" He yelled chasing you down the stairs as you wiped your tears. Once you reached the last step you turned around. "NOTHING you could say to me right now would fix this."

"How much sad did you think I had?..." You started, staring up at him as if he were a stranger. "Did you think I had in me... How much tragedy?" He looked guilty, like he finally realized this was the end.

"Just how low did you think I'd go? Before I'd self implode... before I'd have to go be free." You felt strong for finally speaking your mind and letting him know just how badly you had hurt him.

"Come on y/n, it's you and me right? Since we were sixteen it's only ever been you!" He screamed while running his hand through his hair. "We're not sixteen anymore!" You yelled back, getting in his face.

"You showed me a love I'll never be able to replicate... and honestly, I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place." You placed your hand over his heart, because there was a time when his love felt like home.

"I promise I'll fix this! I- I'll be better!" He pleaded and begged. You shook your head back and forth, knowing he had said this a million times before.

"So long Rafe Cameron... you'll find someone. I just wasn't the one." You kissed his cheek one last time before leaving and never looking back.

a/n: I kinda haaaattte this but it's been on my mind and I haven't posted in so long! I love love love all of you so very much!!!🤍

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