Chapter 2 : Meet The Parents

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Chapter 2 : Meet The Parents

Marco's mind felt sluggish as he opened his eyes. He groaned as he put a hand to his head, his fingers brushing against a sore-feeling bump. Trying to get up and wincing at the pain, he noticed he was laying on the couch in the living room from the sensation of the cushions underneath him. All he could really see at the moment were unclear blobs of color, but he could tell that the biggest ones to him had to be his parents, no mistake about it. Sitting up, he yawned and stretched his arms, smacking his lips.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad. You wouldn't believe what just happened. I just had the weirdest dream..."

"That wasn't a dream," a familiar female voice, one that was just in his dream, said. "You just fainted.

Marco blinked in surprise and confusion as his eyes finally began to make out the concerned faces of his friends, his family, and a certain red haired girl. Actually, make that two red haired girls. An awkward silence fell over him as the events of his 'dream' started to rush back to him, especially what Hekapoo came to tell him.

"…So, um, how long was I out?" Marco said with a wince, trying to cut the tension in the room.

"Long enough for this tea to go cold."

Hekapoo's-his-daughter snapped her fingers and a small ball of fire formed in her palm. She moved the flame closer to the tea cup, heating the cup up until it started to boil, and handed it to her mother.

"Ah, thanks sweetie." Hekapoo smiled before taking a sip of the now warm tea.

A small distance away, Jackie, standing with the others, scratched the back of her head. She didn't know what to think or feel at the moment, especially with how Marco was involved with the whole situation. "Uh, should we even be here right now? This seems way too personal. Maybe we should lea-Mmmfph"

She grasped at the pair of hands covering her mouth, but Janna shook her head slowly, a reignited fire in her eyes and a large smile creeping across her face. "No, this is too juicy to leave alone."

Thankfully, before the situation could get any more stranger than it already was, Alfonso and Ferguson arrived with handfuls of snacks from the kitchen and started passing them out.

"Janna, we got your popcorn, Sensei, I got you an apple, and Miss Skullnick, Ferguson found you some chips."

"Really? An apple?" Janna questioned, letting go of the poor skater's mouth and popping some corn into her mouth.

"I can't have too much. Mom is making meatloaf tonight," Sensei told her.

"Keep quiet, I don't want to miss anything," Skullnick said, shushing them. "As the one that's going to have to file a report on this for the district and not leave any detail out, I demand silence!"

Pony Head grumbled to herself, already getting her phone out. "I havegot to text Chelsey about this. She's gonna flip when she hears this!

Tom, however, put his hand over her phone. "Uh, that may not be such a good idea Pony Head. Chelsey is a gossip and, if word of this gets out, Hekapoo will track it down. To you." He silently tilted his head towards Hekapoo, who was still talking with Marco and thankfully wasn't paying attention to the others' conversations. "You probably should not try to get her attention that way, especially with those…'things' you found."

"…Ah…Maybe Chelsey doesn't need to know about this."

Jackie sighed, tired of being kept in the dark of who this stranger was and why it would be such a bad idea to tick her off. "Okay, so just who is she?"

Pony Head and Tom just stared at her as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Seriously? Humans don't know who Hekapoo is?" Pony Head said, an incredulous look on her face.

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