Chapter 21 : Princess Marco

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Chapter 21 : Princess Marco

Marco and Seraph were going over one of Seraph's books. Though she'd been on Earth for a while and had caught up a lot, she still needed some help. Seraph actually liked reading so that helped when it came to her English homework, but there were often metaphors and things she didn't get simply because she didn't live on Earth and learn about those cultural references. So every once in a while after school, they went over those things.

There was an issue, they couldn't focus as Pony Head and Star were talking so loud that they could be heard from Star's room.

Marco sighed, "Hey, let's take a break. I'll make some nachos for us to snack on."

"Yes!" Seraph quickly agreed when nachos were brought up.

A few minutes later they found themselves in the kitchen. Marco had always held pride in his nacho making skills and took just as much pride in teaching Seraph how to make them.

Seraph enjoyed making food with her dad. Seraph found some delight in his skills to cook. She had noticed how her family seemed to have skills in creating. Her mom was the forger of the dimensional scissors with each pair unique, crafted for their owners, and their own piece of art. Angie made beautiful poetry, and Rafael was an artist who made all sorts of sculptures and things. Even her uncle Rhombulus was skilled at making beautiful crystals. Seraph wondered if she'd ever show any creative talent. She liked making things in art class, but she never saw it as all that great, or all that unique.

At the moment, she was happy enough to enjoy her family's skills especially when she got to eat what they made.

After some effort, they finished their nachos and headed to the living room to watch some television as they ate.

As soon as they sat down and started nibbling, they heard someone run down stairs.

"Nachos!" Star raced down having smelled the treat. "Did you make some?"

Marco sighed, "Yeah, come down here and you can have some."

"B-fly!" Pony head followed behind Star. "How did you even do that? You got like a nose like a dog."

Star sat down besides them and grabbed some nachos.

Marco spoke up trying to start a conversation, "So, you two seemed to be having a lively talk, what were you talking about?"

"Oh, our new issue of Princess Beat Monthly came in." Pony Head told him.

Star held out a magazine she had brought with her, "It's a special issue. It's about the winners of the Princess Awards."

"Princess Awards?" Seraph questioned the pair.

Star explained, "Every year all the princess of the multiverse vote for our fellow princess for various awards. Best Dressed, Best Hair, Best Smile, Most Artistic and that sort of stuff."

"Oh, did you two win something?" Marco asked.

His reply was a moment of silence before Star spoke up, "… no."

"I still can't believe I didn't win Life of the Party." Pony Head huffed.

"Princess Nova did throw that party."

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