Chapter 9 : Round 2

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Chapter 9 : Round 2

Marco stood on the platform and looked at his opponent.

His opponent was 3-4 times taller than him and was a large blue man-beetle. He had four arms and had just as many weapons strapped on his back.

Chaucer started to announce, "On one end we've got the Warrior of Nazarick, Chieftain of the warrior Clan of lizard-men the Dragon Tooth Clan, Styx."

The crowd cheered apparently hearing of this warrior.

"On the other hand in their first showing to the tournament and the first representative of his world to show to the Battle Nexus I'm happy to introduce Marco Diaz."

The crowd applauded politely.

It looked like a one-sided fight even Chaucer pointed it out, "Yeah, this looks like someone is out of their weight class but this is done all at random. Besides, any warrior worth their salt has to be able to overcome the odds. You got to be the best of the best if you are gonna make it here. But fret not folks, this newcomer isn't without some history. Those of you who saw yesterday's fight might recognize him as the fighter who managed to hold off the vampire knight." A few murmurs came from the crowd, "Marco might not look like much but I've done some digging. That fancy sword of his is actually a pair of dimensional scissors he himself earned from Hekapoo herself." More talk was heard from the crowd. "Yes, there has been a rumor that Hekapoo herself has brought a champion of her own and this half-sized human is it."

Marco got what the announcer was doing, he was trying to get the crowd worked up for the fight.

"It just goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by their cover." Chaucer raised his hand, "But enough talk lets get this rumble going. Warriors draw your weapons."

Marco pulled out his scissors and quickly changed them into his sword to the cheer of the crowd.

Styx pulled out a rather large halberd.


Styx began by stabbing at Marco, Marco rolled to the side to avoid the attack. He was going to try and avoid a direct fight as he tried to gage Styx.

From what Marco could tell that was that Styx was stronger than him but not as fast, he used the polearm like weapon to bridge the gap between them.

Marco knew he couldn't just dodge he'd have to fight if he intended to win.

Marco rushed at the big beetle had a chance to attack. Styx wasn't going to be caught by surprise and swung the halberd at Marco.


Marco's sword collided with the halberd, Marco huffed as he pressed the blade, his feet skidding as he was pushed back.

"You reacted quickly." Styx told him, "Your blade is strong, it won't be enough though. Quit before I hurt you." Styx didn't sound condescending if anything he sounded concerned. It felt like he was actually worried he'd hurt Marco.

"Not yet." Marco pushed more forcing the beetle to press more.

Marco quickly ducked letting the halberd swing pass him, he jumped up and swung down the sword through the halberd cutting it into.

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