Chapter 27 : School Troubles

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Chapter 27 : School Troubles

Star wrapped her arms around Marco; she clung to him close.

They were ridding Nachos heading to school. Marco wanted to be alone with Star for a little bit, and this was his chance. Seraph was heading to school early as she wanted to work on an art project.

He thought this ride could help him break the ice with Star here. He'd notice her cling to him, to stay close.

"Star, can we talk?" Marco spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.

He knew nachos would course correct, but he felt he should pay attention.

"Uh, sure, what do you want to talk about?" Star asked him.

"How are you dealing with the dream you had because of the Dream Eater?"

Star flinched at the name; it wasn't too long ago that that Dream Eater arrived and messed with everyone's head.

Marco continued, "I know how he can mess with you. The first time I met him... Well, I had trouble sleeping for days. I know that the dreams he gives you can linger."

Star found herself clinging to Marco a little tighter.

In her dream, Marco never really left Hekapoo's dimension, not really. He settled down and married Hekapoo, and they had a daughter who aged typically. He rarely had time for her. It felt like Star was losing him.

It seemed so real, and now she was afraid she'd lose Marco for real.

"No, I've been sleeping all right," Star told him.

"You sure? Because if you ever need to talk I'm here for you."

"I know, I know."

Marco didn't exactly believe her, "You know besties can talk about anything."

"I know, thanks." Star smiled at him. "If I need to talk, I'll be sure to come to you."

"Okay," Marco said softly.

He only caught the end of her dream; he saw her as queen, and Marco assumed that it about her growing up and taking all that responsibility. He didn't want to press the issue as she hadn't told him anything, but he stumbled into her actual dream, and it felt like a violation of her mind.

Marco said one more thing, "Okay, I just want you to know that it does get better."

"… do the dreams fade away?"

"…No, not really, but you get used to them. You get used to them."

Soon they arrived at the parking lot at school. They got off Nachos, and Marco patted her head as he pulled out some jerky.

"Oh! Can I feed her?" Star asked him.

"Sure," He gave her the jerky.

Star took it and placed it under Nachos' mouth, the dragon quickly gobbled it up licking Star's hand and making her giggle.

Marco petted her again, "That's a good girl. Now, go home, and we'll see you later."

Nacho sniffed the air looking around.

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