Chapter 20 : Khaos

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Chapter 20 : Khaos

Seraph didn't like this man, this Erebus. Every instinct in her told her to run as fast and far as she could.

But she had to stay. She had to stop the fighting somehow.

"Can you stop the fighting?"

Seraph glanced around. Hekapoo was trying to throw off Janna as Star blasted at random, all while Brittney seemed to be trying to take a bite out of her dad.

"Probably," Erebus shrugged, "Like I said, magic is weird. It's like someone broke it or something. Probably should lay off it."

"Stop it now!"

Erebus turned to her as if his unseen eye brow was raised.

He took a step towards her, and Seraph took a step back without realizing it. "Make me," He tasted the words, "You better hurry before someone one gets hurt."

Anxiety bubbled up in her stomach, in the background she heard screams and yells as everyone was trying to tear each other apart. She had to act, she couldn't stop them all, she couldn't hold them all, and she didn't know how to fix things.

"If I have to." Seraph took a step forwards.

Erebus chuckled, "Okay, I think they have a saying on this planet. Bring it on!"

Seraph took a deep breath and flames erupted around her fists.

"That's interesting."

Seraph charged as fast as she could, sending a punch at him. Normally such a punch would have hit, but he dodged just to the side of it. Seraph punched and punched and punched and punched again. Each attack barely missing Erebus.

"You really are young." Erebus taunted, "I'm not really a fighter, but I've been in enough fights and all your punches are so easy to read. You need to learn to hide it a bit better. Like-" He kneed her in the gut, "this."

Seraph tumbled to the ground coughing as she did.

"Maybe that's too hard for you. Okay, let's lower the bar. Get one hit on me. Just one, and I'll undo the spell."

Seraph looked up at the masked man with determination in her eyes. She had to keep going. She had to fight.

She had to win.

Seraph charged at him again, flames wafting around her as she ran. Despite every punch or kick she threw, he narrowly dodged them all. As she fought, Seraph thought back to the stories her parents had told her about the trial. Her father was a lowly human against one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse.

She had a lot of live up to.


Bad things had hit the fan, and yeah, it was not great. The disguises had failed and they were surrounded by vampires.

Marco raised his arms ready to defend himself and really wished he had any sort of weapon. After all these were vampires, and in all the legends and stories he'd ever heard about people fighting vampires there wasn't many of people winning without a weapon. These were creatures far stronger and faster than he was.

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