Chapter 16 : Something Borrowed

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Chapter 16 : Something Borrowed

"Ah ha!" Star flipped through one of the books her mother gave her, "Magical creatures with hard outer skins. Certain variations can manipulate elements such as fire and water. Some of the smarter breeds are crafty and distrustful with a tendency to hoard treasure. They are also known to be powerful magic users capable of shapeshifting."

Janna looked over the book, "Star that's about dragons, not hydras."

Star flipped the pages finding the right one, "Okay. Hydra, blah blah blah, tough skin, beasts with no sentiency, heads that regrow, which can only really be stopped by burning the necks so they don't regrow …" Star read to herself. "Okay, nothing here. The hydras weren't the cause."

Star looked out her window as it started to get dark. They had tossed about her books for something that could help figure out what was happening, a cause or anything. Janna found a spell she wanted to try later, bookmarked it, and put it aside.

"Do you two want to stay over tonight?" Star offered, "We can get to work first thing in the morning."

Both girls agreed, and after making some calls and checking in with Marco's parents, they got ready for bed.


They all woke up early in the morning to the sound of workers.

"Uh?" Star looked around.

Star looked outside to the backyard where she saw several sloths busy, quickly setting up and building.

"I've never seen the sloths work so fast... Or do anything fast. What are they doing here anyway?"

"Quest Buy has this program where if you pay extra they come and build anything you buy. Really helpful for party planning."

Pony Head floated in with Kelly and Tad close behind.

"Morning gurl." Pony Head said tired.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Janna asked the floating head.

"Hekapoo and Marco wrangled me into planning the wedding, then I wrangled in these two as my assistants. More coffee!"

Kelly quickly held out a coffee which Pony Head chugged. "Hm, needed that."

"How did you get the sloths to work so fast?"

"That wasn't Pony Head." Tad told them.

"Yeah," Kelly continued, "That was Hekapoo and Marco."

"What?" Jackie found that confusing.

"Ah," Kelly trembled, "The sloths were being lazy, then Hekapoo and Marco showed up and said some things I don't feel comfortable repeating."

"Yeah, the sloths agreed to work free overtime and will be on call for anything they need." Tad told them. "Which is weird, I mean, I don't talk to Marco that much but he's seemed nice. Maybe a little high strung at times."

"Yeah." Kelly looked at a bunch of pictures from the closing of the Bounce Lounge Star had nearby on the wall. "He and his daughter seemed so nice, didn't think he could get that scary. Hekapoo, well, we've heard the stories."

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