Chapter 14

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It only took 5 minutes to get there and before entering that room Jimin had been glad Taehyung wasn't already there as he was still embarrassed about earlier.

But as soon as he walked in he noticed Taehyung sitting on Namjoon's bed looking at Hoseok and Namjoon flirting, he kinda looked disgusted but he also looked jealous.

But Jimin only got to see that look on Taehyung's face for a split second as Taehyung looked over at the two and smiled.

As soon as Jeongguk had his shoes off he was at Yoongi's side, Jimin only rolled his eyes and sat next to Taehyung on Namjoon's bed. He only got a second to himself before Taehyung started talking to him.

"I was a little worried you wouldn't come because Jeongguk said you don't really like going out, but I'm glad you're here" Taehyung informed "I want to get out a bit, I don't want to be at home all the time" Jimin told.

"Really? I thought you might like going out but wouldn't agree to go with me so I asked if everyone wanted to go" Taehyung responded "this was your idea?" Jimin questioned.

Taehyung nodded "mmh I asked and then we did a bit of planning and deciding and here we are, in an hour we should be leaving for the movie" Taehyung looked down at his watch.

"An hour? Why did Jeongguk make me come now then?" Jimin liked how easy they were talking, how it wasn't awkward considering they'd never really spoken like this.

It was weird how someone he'd had a one night stand with was now sitting here having a casual conversation with him.

"We kinda said we were gonna hang out before we head to the movies because if we don't someone could be late and then we'd all be late" Taehyung explained and Jimin nodded.

"Although seeing that Seokjin still isn't here we might still end up being late, like I love how much he loves himself but there's a time and place for admiring yourself and when everyone is waiting for you really ain't it".

"With the reputation you have, I'm surprised you don't love yourself just as much" Jimin muttered "and what type of reputation do I have?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't where everyone is in your business I've noticed the few girls that come to the table, and the things they sometimes leave" Jimin assured.

"There is nothing I hate more than that reputation.." Taehyung began.

"To be honest I started it when I was 16 and had first started school, my dad and I had an off relationship and I wanted to piss him off".

"And for some parents not being the perfect child will piss them off, me being popular and having lots of fake friends and lots of girlfriends and doing extra things really pissed him off"

"He got really sick last year and after that, I completely gave up on that I tried to stop being an annoying human because I realized how important he was to me, and being the popular kid is something I don't want to be"

"Everyone is in my business, if I kiss someone they want to know if we're dating because it's been so long since I dated anyone, If I hang out with an extra person they want to know what's going on, if I buy something girly they assume some mad shit"

"It's so annoying, if I get paired up with someone that's a bit obsessed with me they start being all weird hoping that we'll be the next "famous" couple" Taehyung sighed.

"I can't wait till I graduate and go back home and then this is all over, no more people in business" he smiled.

What happened to everyone you used to hang around? They just left?" Jimin asked he hadn't been bothered about what happened in school when Taehyung had joined or even after that.

But he'd heard bits and bobs and Taehyung had just said he had lots of (fake) friends and girlfriends.

"I cut off most of them, they are mainly fake, there were a few that weren't, we got into a big fight as school and they were going on like 4 years olds" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"They were saying shit like no-one likes you, and if you weren't so popular, I kind of just laughed because if it wasn't for me they would have any friends I don't know about now since most of them left after that".

"I'm the good things about this whole popular" thing is that you tell em off about something you really don't like and they'll leave you alone about it. Jeongguk did a good job sticking up for you that day though".

"I was going to tell em to back off before he'd said anything but he was faster" Taehyung mumbled the last bit "yes that was a horrible experience, I'm it's ok now that they come to our table for you but I don't even like them looking at me" Jimin told.

"You don't like going out, you don't like people touching you, you don't like people looking at you? What do you like that involves people?" Taehyung asked "Jeongguk and Namjoon" Jimin answered.

"Wow, I knew you didn't like me but I didn't think you didn't like Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin" Taehyung muttered "it's not like I hate you guys...I's like going out" Jimin paused.

♛┈⛧┈•༶ Chapter 14༶•┈⛧┈♛

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