Chapter 18

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"I think it's best if Jimin explains" Jeongguk looked back over at Taehyung "it's not my place to say what Giyeon is to Jimin".

Taehyung sighed but nodded.

Jeongguk, Jihyun, Taehyung, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Giyeon were at the hospital.

They'd been there for about 20 minutes, Jimin was getting checked by a doctor to make sure he was ok, Giyeon was there because he had explained that he wanted to apologise to Jimin.

Jeongguk and Namjoon were suspicious and wanted him to leave but they also somewhat felt like the apology, even if it couldn't remove the pain it would ease it.

Jihyun hadn't said anything, he'd just sat in a waiting chair waiting for Jimin to come out.

Taehyung had asked what was going on, who Giyeon was and what had happened to Jimin once he'd calmed down a bit.

He was still feeling a little panicked, he'd been confused when it all started but then when Giyeon shows up and the two started fighting he wasn't 100% sure what he should do.

But then Jimin had started acting weird and crying and panting and Taehyung completely panicked.

Even when Jimin had calmed down and hugged him his heart had been pounding and his mind a complete mess.

Hearing footsteps the group turned their heads and when they saw Jimin they stood up, well those that were sitting.

There was a police officer who had come to make sure that Giyeon apologized and then returned home.

"Jimin, are you ok?" Jeongguk questioned moving a step closer to Jimin, his hands itching to hug Jimin but not doing so knowing the older would feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine" then he looked over at the others and noticed Giyeon he instantly looked away "why is he still here?" He gritted out"Jimin I want to apologize, for everything I did" Giyeon stood up and walked over to Jimin.

Everyone watched as Giyeon stopped in front of him and Jimin took the smallest step back "while I was in prison I reflected a lot and met a lot of broken people that place was almost like hell" he paused.

"The first thing I wanted to do was apologize to you but I didn't think I would be able to sincerely do that with cops holding my arms and dragging me back"

"Jimin I'm so sorry for everything I did" he reached a hand to touch Jimin's arm and he didn't miss the way Jimin eyes that weren't even looking at him widened.

He didn't miss the way Jimin Tensed when his hand made contact with his arm the quiet whimper Jimin let out.

"I know it'll take a lot to forgive me so I worn ask for that but I really hope that you can recover from the shit I did to you" Giyeon finished he squeezed Jimin's arm.

"O-okay...I'll get over it... I'll get over it..I..p-pl-" Namjoon literally ripped Giyeon's hand off of Jimin "you're hurting him uncomfortable you've apologized just fuck off" he hissed.

The policeman walked over to Giyeon and gave him a painless clap on the back the sound making Jimin visibly flinch the horrible memories flooding back in.

The ones he hadn't told anyone, not even the judge.

"Let's go Giyeon" he instructed and Giyeon nodded turning around he paused "I love you Jimin" he said and then he began walking.

And anyone else would think he was just telling Jimin he loved him but Jimin knew by that calm tone exactly what he meant.

"Giyeon barely got out of sight before  Jimin felt his legs give out, his vision blurred but he didn't want to cry again.

"Jimin" Jeongguk's soft voice called his hands reaching to make Jimin stand so they could take him home, but as soon as his hands made contact with the older a whimper left his lips.

Jeongguk immediately pulled his hands back "can you stand we'll take you back to the dorm" Namjoon told "I don't want to go there" Jimin sobbed.

"Where do you want to go then?" Taehyung finally spoke "somewhere safe, somewhere he can't find, Jeongguk he's going to come back for me...he swore he would" Jimin wept.

"He won't we'll protect you, let's go back to the dorm it's safe there" Jeongguk assured "it's not, he knows my dorm, he could come anytime, Jeongguk it's not safe" Jimin shook his head.

"We have to stay somewhere we can't stay here" Namjoon responded " can come home with me Jimin, Mum misses you a lot" Jihyun spoke.

And that was enough to get Jimin mad, he wiped his tears and stood up, it was almost like that was a trigger. Snapped him straight back to reality.

He couldn't let this get to him, he was being a burden to everyone else, he had a dorm ready for him to go to Giyeon couldn't just break in

"You know what, I can't take this shit anymore" he shook his head "I'm going to be just fine, if anything happens the police gave me this watch I just press the button and I'm fine".

"Jimin I had no idea they had blocked my number" Jihyun protested "I really don't care anymore, so what... We're strangers now...just leave me alone there's enough shit fucking up my life I don't need family drama too" Jimin sighed.

Then he shook his head once more and walked off "I swear I'm going insane" he whispered "Jim-" Jeongguk cut Jihyun off "for his sake, leave it, when he's better try and get in contact" he told then he followed the others who were already off.


"Happy Birthday to you!!" Jimin cheered "oh my God can you shush please" Jeongguk groaned turning over "hey I'm singing happy birthday" Jimin informed "I'm trying to sleep sing it when I'm awake" Jeongguk responded.

It had been just under a month since everything that happened with Giyeon and at first, Jimin had been a total mess he'd gone back to the first days after Giyeon had been arrested.

He would have nightmares almost every night the first 2 weeks and had barely gone to class in fear of Giyeon showing up. He'd only spent one day with the others at lunch he would remain silent unless Taehyung spoke to him which was a little rare since Jimin kept being really dry.

2 weeks after the incident Giyeon had been arrested again this time for 20 years Jimin had heard Jeongguk saying something to Namjoon about it being because he raped a minor.

Jimin had stopped listening after that.

Jihyun had sent a bunch of messages asking how Jimin was doing, Jimin had checked them but only replied twice. After Giyeon got arrested Jimin felt safer, there was no way Giyeon could escape prison, Jimin already knew he didn't want to let the fear control his life.

So he after the 3rd week he forced himself to go to all of his classes and try to be less dry to Taehyung. He had thanked Taehyung 2 days after the incident and thought he was extremely grateful he had no idea how to get back that normal relationship they had.

Now it had been a little less than a month since the incident and while Jimin didn't feel happy, didn't feel sad and still felt scared and the slightest bit paranoid he felt good.

Not the best he'd been since Giyeon had first been arrested but enough that he had gone out 3 days ago to get Jeongguk's present, he went out with Namjoon when Jeongguk was at Seokjin's.

Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi had treated him the exact same and had all said something along the lines of "I don't know what's going on but if you need me or need to talk I'm here".

♛┈⛧┈•༶ Chapter 18༶•┈⛧┈♛

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