Chapter 16

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It'd been a month since that day and since then Jimin and Taehyung had grown so much closer.

Well not really on Taehyung's side, Jimin knew almost everything about him, but there was only so much Jimin would tell Taehyung, and the younger never pushed.

They would spend most of their lunches talking but mainly when Jeongguk was too into one of his soon to be boyfriends.

It was nice, Taehyung had tried to ask Jimin to hang out again but after Jimin declined he thought it was better to just stick with what he had. Jimin found himself liking Taehyung just as much as he liked Jeongguk, he never told Taehyung that though.

They joked around and talked about things in their life for Jimin it was nice, for Taehyung it was one of the highlights of his day.

But he should have known that eventually he would see a side of Jimin that was so vulnerable, he should have expected it as they seemed to be becoming great friends.

Today the 3rd of August was a day.

Let's start from a little before everything went down, a little before Jimin totally panicked.


It was a little after 3 pm, Jeongguk had already told Jimin he was going to hang out with Seokjin and Yoongi so to head back on his own, Jimin had agreed.

On the way to the elevator, he'd bumped into Taehyung that's where they'd started talking "you going back to your dorm?" Taehyung asked.

"Mmh, I'm so tired I could sleep standing" Jimin sighed "It's only the middle of the week" Taehyung responded as they entered the elevator "so? I love sleeping ok?" Jimin sassed.

"Ok" Taehyung smiled, Jimin pressed his level and Taehyung did to "where is Jeongguk by the way?" Taehyung asked of course it felt weird seeing Jimin alone he was almost always with Jeongguk.

"Has plans with Yoongi and Seokjin" Jimin answered "right..I'm sure Jeongguk can't wait until next month, though" Taehyung said and Jimin frowned "what's next month?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.

The two stepped out, Taehyung had no idea why he'd stepped out but he wasn't focused on that, he was focused on Jimin.

"Jeongguk's birthday, he's finally gonna be 18, he can go to parties and actually drink" Taehyung reminded "and then come home and get told off by me" Jimin finished and they walked the hall to his dorm.

"Uh...I guess, I mean he's going to be with Seokjin and Yoongi once he's 18 so they'll probably make sure he's safe and ok" Taehyung assured and Jimin looked away from him to look at his upcoming dorm.

Nothing prepared him for the person standing right in front of his dorm.

His brother.

Taehyung's eyes followed Jimin's his small smile dropping when he saw them, he was confused, the person hadn't noticed them yet.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin voice had lost his cheer, but Jihyun turned his head to look at him, he looked just a little older than he had when Jimin last saw him.

Had tears in his eyes and literally ran up to him and hugged him and Jimin's first instinct was to push him off, and not being used to lightly pushing people off of him.

He totally shoved his brother off of him "don't touch me" it came out harsher than he wanted "Jimin...oh my God I don't even know what to say but I missed you so much" Jihyun confessed.

"What the fuck are you you think just because we're blood related you can show up whenever you please?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin, I had no idea that you had been trying to contact me, I tried messaging you but I was left on received so many times I thought you didn't want to speak to me and dad told me you'd message me when you were ready" Jihyun tried

"They blocked your number from my phone and when I found out I demanded answers and they told me everything, about how they ignored you and blamed you for what happened to Giyeon"

"I'm so sorry Jimin, I promised to protect you and I didn't even know what our parents had done to y-" "You know what I really don't want to hear this" Jimin interrupted.

Taehyung honestly wasn't sure if he should stay or go, it seemed like a private moment but Jimin might not have wanted to be left alone with these people.

"I don't know why you are here if it's about Giyeon's release I think it's a bit harsh to come to rub it in my face like this, if it's not about him and you're just starting to feel guilty please just leave"

"I've forgotten about you all and this is really a lot for me so please leave I don't want to see you" Jimin sighed.

"Jimin I swear, I can even show you the messages mum and dad admitted to it, Jimin I really thought you didn't want to see us again, I thought.. That's maybe we reminded you of Giyeo-" "did someone say my name".

Jimin literally almost fainted that horrible voice he swore he'd never hear again rang in his ears, he felt himself shifting towards Taehyung hands clenching and body tensing.

♛┈⛧┈•༶ Chapter 16༶•┈⛧┈♛

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