Chapter 28

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Warning this chapter has mentions of abuse!


It was finally time to act out the plan.

Namjoon started out by getting Hoseok to message Taehyung.

Once that had been done they prepared Jimin, let me tell you how that went

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Once that had been done they prepared Jimin, let me tell you how that went.

"Jimin" Jeongguk called as he and Namjoon entered their dorm "mmh" Jimin hummed not looking up from his phone "Namjoon and I have a surprise for you, it's an early birthday gift" Jeongguk said.

Jimin looked up from his phone and at the two "you guys don't and didn't need to get me anything though.." Jimin told "yeah, but we did anyways now get up and put this over your eyes" Namjoon handed Jimin an eye mask.

Jimin stood up and put the mask on, "alright now I'm going to lead you to it" Jeongguk said cautiously taking Jimin hand, Jimin nodded and began walking when Jeongguk told him to.

He heard the door open and then heard it close after a few steps, then they walked a bit more and he heard the elevator sound, he heard the button being pressed and then the doors close.

And soon enough it was opening back up and Jeongguk was pulling him out of the elevator "wait a minute" Namjoon said and Jimin heard a door open and then Jeongguk pulled him along.

"Count to 3 and then take the blindfold off" Jeongguk whispered and let go of Jimin's hand, Jimin nodded "1" he said as he heard a door shut and then he heard a lock "2".



Jimin pulled the blindfold off his eyes meeting the person who had called him "Taehyung.. What am I doing here? How is this something I'll... Those idiots" Jimin sighed.

His phone went off and he started at it seeing a message from Jeongguk saying that he'd let them out once Jimin spoke to Taehyung Jimin sighed, he shouldn't be looking at this negatively, If anything Jeongguk and Namjoon had helped him.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked "well I need to talk to you" Jimin answered "about?" Taehyung asked, it was silent for a second then "I like you" Jimin blurted out and Taehyung laughed full on cracked up.

Then he stopped "Jimin get out" he turned around "saying things like that isn't funny" then he walked off and Jimin followed him "I do like you Taehyung" Jimin confessed.

"Then why didn't you tell me that ages ago?" Taehyung asked sarcasm laced in each word as he sat on the sofa "because I don't want to date" Jimin answered.

"Jimin please just go away, I don't want to hear any bullshit today, I mean it doesn't even make any sense, I asked you what Saturday meant and you were like it doesn't mean anything".

"And then you've been ignoring me and being so dry and you're expecting me to believe that you like me? But you don't want to date me? What's the point in even telling me?" Taehyung questioned.

"Just calm down and let me explain Taehyung" Jimin tried and Taehyung let out a heavy sigh "alright explain" he said, Jimin nodded before sitting down next to Taehyung.

"You know Giyeon right.." Jimin started and Taehyung nodded.

"well when I was 15 and still on good terms with my family I met him at a supermarket and he was super nice and he asked for my number and I gave it to him"

"We were talking for a bit and then we decided to date, he was 19 at the time and so he told me not to tell anyone about us because they'd break us up and he'd get arrested, I agreed because I didn't want him to get arrested"

"We were dating for around 5 months before he started to change he went from the super sweet and loving guy I met to a creep, he started demanding that I spend almost all my time with him and that he goes through my phone and knows my location at all times"

"Then when I'd say no to anything he'd slap me in the face and I started to get like really scared of him, and things got worse he would shout at me for things that weren't my fault, he would hit when he was drunk"

"Some days he was sweet but over time those  horrid days decreased, and one day Jeongguk found out about us, at the time I had turned 16 and Jeongguk was 15, I lied to him and told Giyeon and I had recently started dating".

"Jeongguk said he wanted to meet him and I thought it would be nice so I mentioned it to Giyeon and he got angry, I got hurt and after that he would just hit me whenever he felt like it".

"I stopped liking people touching me because it scared me, Namjoon and my brother were a little suspicious at the time and Jeongguk was confused he thought it was him I had a problem with"

"Namjoon eventually found out and he wanted to tell the police, I told him not to, because if things went wrong I'd be badly hurt, things were already bad enough"

"I haven't told anyone this..And Namjoon things I just had enough but about a week after that Giyeon called me to his house I went there and he told me to get in his car said we were going for dinner he had a big smile on his face and I agreed and got in the car"

"We stopped outside this warehouse and Giyeon took my phone then took me inside, there were about 4 girls in there they were in their underwear and they looked no older than me some of them looked younger than that".

Jimin hadn't looked at Taehyung since he had started, now his eyes were watering just remembering what Giyeon did to those girls was traumatising.

♛┈⛧┈•༶ Chapter 28༶•┈⛧┈♛

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