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Denali's POV:
Our noses brushed.

We both had our hands on the other's face. My breath hitched as I felt her hands gently and slowly pull my face down. Our eyes didn't break contact.
"Nali..." Rosé softly muttered.
Our lips touched for a moment.

Her lips were soft and pillowy,
just like how I remembered.
"Rosie..." I softly muttered.

"I'M HOME!" Jan yelled as she opened the front door. I quickly jumped off Rosé and sat on the other side of the couch. "Oh hey Denali! I didn't know you were here." Said Jan as she placed her bag on a chair. "Yeah, Rosé and I were watching a movie."

"I see you two have fixed things up."
"Yeah- we-we're friends again. Best friends..." Said Rosé. "Ok cool! Please don't let me interrupt your friend hangout thing any further."

"No- it's fine." I said. I looked to Rosé and softly sighed. "I was just about to leave." I took my schoolbag and just left the house without a goodbye.

Rosé's POV:
Denali closed the front door and just left. I brushed my lips and reminisced the moment.

Our lips touched for a moment.

"Are you okay Rosé?" Asked Jan as she sat next to me. I grabbed Jan's hand and placed it on my forehead. "Do I have a temperature?" I asked. "No- why do you ask?" Said Jan worried. "Maybe I'm dreaming, pinch me."

Jan looked at me with a weirded out expression and removed her hand from my forehead.
"I can assure you that you're not dreaming, what is wrong with you?"

"Denali rejected me because she likes another girl and we- we almost kissed..."
"Wait? Wait- Wait!"
"How much waiting do I have to do?"
"Just hold up- Denali friend zoned you because she likes another girl and you two almost kissed?!"
"We were first dancing and we tripped and landed on the couch, we were like a few milliseconds from locking lips. Unfortunately, you walked in."

"Well I'm sorry but- don't you think this is a bit weird? Denali likes another girl but she almost kissed you. I'm going to be honest, I think Denali is leading you on. I don't know what her intentions are but I'm skeptical. You can't reject someone and then go on them- that's just not right."

Taken aback, I nodded in response and sighed.
"I know you like her a lot still, but you have to move on, Rosé." Jan said.
"I guess you're right, thanks for the advice."
I walked up the stairs and laid on my bed. I stared at my ceiling for what felt like hours.

What were Denali's intentions? Was she trying to use me as sort of an experiment? From what I knew, she had never kissed a girl before me. Who was this girl anyway? What about her was so amazing that Denali just had to fall for her.

I needed answers to questions I was too scared to ask.

Denali's POV:

One month later...

Between Rosé and I, the situation was unreadable. After we had almost kissed, we were pretty normal but ever so often we would have little moments.

We were all now in music class, waiting for our teacher to arrive. "Sorry that I'm late!" Said Ms. Act as she walked into the theatre. "Today we will start with 2 little performances. How about Rosé and Shea?" The two girls stood up and walked up to the stage. "I'll go first, if you want." Said Shea. Rosé nodded and walked into the wings.

A few minutes later...

Shea finished her performance and the class clapped. "Wonderful work, Shea. I am extremely happy with your performance. Alright Rosé, let's see what you've prepared." Rosé stepped to the middle of the stage. She took the keyboard and dragged it to her spot. "What song will you be performing?" Rosé turned the keyboard on. " I will be performing my own version of 'Just A Friend' by Meghan Trainor."

She slowly locked eyes with me. "Ok, you may start when you're ready."

"Why you gotta hug me like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings
I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you"

Rosé wouldn't look away from my direction. I couldn't look away from her and it hit me.

She was singing to me.

Best Girl-Friends💛 (A Rosénali Story)Where stories live. Discover now