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Denali's POV:
I opened my eyes. It was dark, I was at Vanjie's
place still and Rosé was muttering to herself.
"OH MY- NALI- you scared me!"
"How long was I asleep for?"
"For like 20 minutes."
"Oh fuck- it felt like eternity."

I sat up and leaned on the headboard.
"Did you mean what you said?
"What did I say?"
"That you- you... you wanted to kiss me."
"I said that?"
"We'll... did you?"
"I- well..."
Rosé frowned.

Rosé's POV:
"You know Jan warned me about you."
"I don't follow."
"She told me you were leading me on, I kept getting my hopes up just to be crushed over and over. I don't want that to happen again."
"Let me finish. You and Jan have something going on and you're flirting with me and then there's this other girl that you're obsessed with and then you got angry when Mik and I got closer. What is up with you Denali? You can't do all that- you just- do you know hurtful this is?!"

"Are you done?"
I sighed.
"Yes. I'm done."
"First, Jan and I aren't a thing, she is literally like a big sister to me.
Secondly, I'd never want to lead you, her or anyone for that matter because that is awful like you said. Thirdly, Jan has been talking to me about you and she knows that I haven't been trying to lead you on.
Fourth, I definitely want to kiss you."

"I just don't understa-"
Denali cut me off with a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close to her warm body. As the kiss progressed, I held her waist tightly.
I stopped as soon as I felt Denali tug on my dress.

"Is something wrong?" Denali asked as she gained composure. "I'm so confused... why would you kiss me?" Denali held my hands and placed them in her lap and she played with my fingers. "It's because I love you..." My eyes widened and Denali shyly smiled.

"I've always have... it just took so long to realise it."

It all finally clicked.
The girl Denali was talking about, was me. Her and Jan were talking about me because Denali liked me, the same way I liked me. My body filled with a warm, happy feeling and Denali grew a blush.
"I'm so glad that I have finally told you. It's been months and months of torture."

I looked into Denali's beautiful and hypnotising eyes and it suddenly felt wrong.
"No... no..." I whimpered.
"What do you mean?" She stammered.
"No... you- and... I... we..."
"Rosé, are you okay?"
"We can't be together... no..."

"I've spent years fawning over you. You rejected me. I've found someone new... someone who has liked me from the start and is there for me. You can't just suddenly figure out your feelings right when I have gotten everything sorted out. You can't have me."
"Rosé- it's not like that-"
"Don't look at me or I'll feel guilty." I took my hands from Denali and I walked to the door, sighing.

"What do you mean why?"
"Why have you become so cold? So cold and heartless." Denali stormed out of the room, arms crossed and with tear-filled eyes. "Have a fun life with Gottmik. The one who has been there since you two were children, been there for you for years and years. Helped you deal with all of your baggage and emotional pain. Oh wait... that was me, never mind that..."
I stood at the door, completely petrified.

"Goodbye Rosé."

I hugged my knees to my chest as I cried. I had changed, I could see it now.

Denali's POV:
Tears wouldn't stop flowing from my eyes. Served me right for confessing my stupid, dumb feelings.
"Denali~" Said Tony as he grabbed my hand.
Shit... I really thought I had escaped him ages ago.

"What do you want?" I spat.
"A bit snappy? Drink anything?"
"You little- you were the one who spiked my drink! It was you, wasn't it?"
"Calm down- it was a little prank."
"I ask again- what do you want?!"
"My question is what do you wanna do with Rosé?"
Said Tony loudly.

Suddenly, the music stopped playing and the colourful lights had shut. Vanjie turned on the light next to me. "What's going on?" She asked.
"I- I don't know what you mean- Tony, can we please talk about this outside-"
"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" The other students started to gather around us. "I have an important announcement."

My heart dropped to my stomach and I hadn't felt so nervous in my whole entire life.

Best Girl-Friends💛 (A Rosénali Story)Where stories live. Discover now