Chapter 8: Mariah

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After bumping into Jacob, Layla skated over to me to see if I was ok.

"Omg Mariah, are you ok. I saw what happened." Layla said worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, the guy saved me from falling." I said in a little shock.

"I saw, thank God he grabbed you. Ohh and by the way his cute." Layla grasped.

"Hahaha yeah and very funny. By the way his name is Jacob his a Tiktok creator, but yes he is very cute." I said back.

"Hmm yeah." She said as she skated off.

Eventually we ended up leaving the ice-skating rink to go back to the hotel for the night.

As I got ready for bed and laid there trying to fall asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about him. After trying to free him from my mind I eventually dozed off.


The next morning, I woke up to the beaming light piercing through the window. It was around 8:00am.

I got up and got dressed and had some breakfast. After eating my breakfast, I sat down on the couch and waited till Layla woke up and got ready because we had plans for the day to go for a bus tour around the area. We had to leave by 10:00am so we had a bit of time before we had to leave. Layla was a late riser so she probably wouldn't be up until a while later. While I sat there on the lounge, I took out my phone and proceeded to FaceTime my mum. After a few beeps the video ended as she didn't pick up. So, I proceeded to send a message instead.

'Hey mum I tried video calling but you didn't answer and that's ok, I've just woke up for the day. How have you been. I went ice skating yesterday on an outside ice rink insane. Anyway, call me when you can. Miss you bye.'

After that I proceeded to watch some videos on Facebook. Watching none other then my favourite, Five-minute crafts. After some time, I'm guessing about 20 minutes had passed; I opened Tiktok to watch some videos. I sat there scrolling on my for you page when all of a sudden, his video began to play. I didn't even know what he was talking about at first until I watched it for a second time.

"Hey everyone so I don't usually do this and I've got to keep this short and sweet but there's this girl right and I can't get her off my mind. I'm here in hopes of finding her. Last night at the Berlin City Ice skating rink there was this girl brown short hair and small in height who had bumped into me and I grabbed you. If you're that girl please comment or duet so I can talk to you. I want to make sure you're ok. Please share and like in hopes of reaching her. Thank you everyone."

I played it again to make sure that I was hearing correctly and not dreaming or imagining this. OMG is this real? It can't be. OMG this is happening. 160K views, 35K Likes, 4K comments and 879 shares. And his asking about me.

After sitting which felt like an eternity watching the video playing over and over, I began to compose myself to figure out what to reply with and the possibility of him seeing my response.

I proceeded to read the comments. 'Omg lucky, who is she?', 'I bet she's hot', 'It was me', 'Omg your breaking my heart', 'Oh I wish it was me you were talking about.' The comments said as they stared back at me.

As I began typing my response one key at a time.

"Hi Jacob, It was me who had bumped into you, I feel so clumsy and I'm sorry for the way I just stared at you awkwardly. I'm ok thank you for your concern. Are you ok? Let me make it up to you, would you like to meet for some coffee or some food so I can apologise. my shout? @jacob_robb05"

And send.

Omg I cant believe I just did that. 

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