Chapter 28: Mariah

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After Jacob had left me standing there alone at the front door. I just stood there for a few minutes looking around around at my surrounding trying to compose myself before heading inside. Without disturbance I quietly made my way inside and headed towards the bathroom. I headed towards the bathroom because I knew it was the once place where I could go where no one would disturb me or distract me. When I made it to the bathroom I quietly shut the door behind me and just sat there behind the door just thinking of everything that had happened with Jacob and I as well as the memories I had made with Layla. Overall I didn't regret a thing that had happened the past week and a bit. It had been the greatest adventure of my life. I've done things that I would never get the chance to do again and for that I was grateful. I have also learnt a lot about myself and who I was in the process and I knew then that I would eventually heal from the pain I was feeling.

After dwelling on my emotions for sometime I made my way to draw a bath. After the water was warm I made my over and hoped in. The water was warm and soft against my skin, exactly what I needed to relax and to forget about everything that had happened. As I laid there I began to feel better and I began to relax, I felt the best I have felt since the beginning of the day. Although I was alone I still felt his presence right next to me. I tried to shift him from my mind so I grabbed my phone and began to watch some five-minute crafts. Before long I began to become a bit sleepy and I knew that It was time to hop out of the bath. After the bath I felt content and a lot better.

After I got dressed into my pyjamas I headed out of the bathroom towards the room where Layla had been sleeping so I could talk to her. But as I made my way towards the door I could hear some noises and muffling sounds coming from inside and I knew what she was doing so I avoided to disturb her. Instead I made my way upstairs towards the spare bedroom. As I made my way towards the spare bedroom which was three bedrooms down from Jacobs. As I continued to walk Jacobs door swung opened and he almost ran into me as he came out. I knew we wouldn't of been able to avoid each other forever over the next dew days but I wasn't expecting to see him this fast.

As he bumped me I stumbled slightly backwards and grabbed on the wall behind me.

He came over and looked down at me in concern and said

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, are you ok."

I looked up and him and just nodded towards him before finding my balance and continued towards the bedroom without a second glance as he stood there.

When I made it to the bedroom I slammed the door shut and just stood there behind the door contemplating whether to run back to him to tell him that I was ok but I also knew in my heart that I needed more time.

After a few seconds I made my way over to the bed and undid the cover and hoped in getting comfy for the night alone. As I laid there looking up at the ceiling I felt empty and lonely and I wanted nothing more than to be there in his arms. After what felt like hours the ceiling became hazy before me as I began to fall asleep.


The next day when I woke up, the sun was already up. I made my way from the bedroom and headed down stairs towards the kitchen. As I wondered through the house I realised that the house was empty other than Jasmine and Layla who were sitting at the dinning table.

"Oh your awake." Layla said.

"Morning to you both." I said back.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Nearly 8:30am." Layla said.

"Damn ok." I said.

I made my way to the fridge and began to make myself a bowl of cereal.

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