Chapter 10: Mariah

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After making the comment on Jacob's video it was nearly time for us to leave for our tour. The tour bus picked us up at the corner of our street where the hotel was located.

The tour was not like anything I had done before. Taking in the scenes of beautiful Germany and learning about the history of their rich culture and foundation of world war two. I took picture of the beautiful scenes and of Layla and I.

I tried my best of forgetting about Jacob but he was still in the for front of my mind the entire time. I was hesitant the entire day to look at Tiktok because I didn't want to be disappointed knowing that he didn't reply. He had only seen my face for a split second like as if he would be able to find my comment amongst the sea of other girls begging for his attention. It was like a needle in a hay stack. Impossible but I still hoped he eventually would some how. But I never checked.

As the day neared towards the end of the day we made our way back to the hotel where we had plans for dinner at the local takeout joint. Famous for their burgers and fries. After getting ready we made our way to the takeout out joint. When we arrived the queue was already outside the door. Of course that's what we get for coming to such place at 7:30pm on a Friday night.

We waited and waited for what felt like an eternity in the line. But I guess it had only been about 10-15 minutes when we eventually made it to the front of the line.

'Hi can I please take your order." Said the worker.

As I proceed to the counter with Layla.

"Could I please get the beef burger some fries and a coke as the drink, thank you."

I stood there as Layla placed her order. And paid for our meal.

As we made our way to walk to our table, about 5ft from the counter out of no where in the busy crowd someone bumped into me and I stumbled backwards into the person near me. I nearly lost my balance until someone grabbed me in their arms.

"Omg I'm so".... Before I looked up and realised who it was. I looked into his beautiful eyes as he said

"We have to stop meeting like this." As he looked deep within my eyes while smiling at me with his cute charisma smile.

"Haaa yes we really have to not meet like this. You must think I'm so clumsy." I said as I laughed.

"Haaa not at all." He said as we made our way to the corner a few feet away out of the crowd. His hand still on my waist. By this time Layla had left to sit down at a near by table.

"By the way I'm Mariah." I said.

"I know who you are, I'm Jacob but I assume you already knew that." He replied.

"Yes, yes I did." I said as I giggled.

"By the way I saw your comment on my video. I replied back but you never replied."

"Oh you did, what did you say? Sorry I didn't reply I was busy today." I said surprisingly.

"Well would you like to go out sometime?" He said in a nervous voice.

"I'd love to, but while your here would you like to join me and my friend. And of course we can go out sometime by ourselves but while you're here. Also you saved me not once but twice. It's the least I can do." I asked.

"Are you sure, I have my friends with me as well do you mind." Jacob said.

"Not at all." I said smiling back.

We proceeded together to the table where Layla was sitting.

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