Chapter 26: Mariah

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After confessing my feelings to Jacob that I loved him I felt embarrassed but also at ease knowing that whatever happened he knew exactly how I felt about him. I didn't want to regret anything when it came to Jacob especially when it came to my feelings towards him. Although I was hesitant to tell him that I loved him because I thought if he knew my true feelings the more harder it would hurt the both of us when the time came to leave. But my feelings got the better of me and I had to tell him to put myself at ease with knowing that whatever happened would happen. I was hoping that God had a plan for us. I'm sure one way or another he did. I wasn't a firm God believer but all I knew is that God brought us together for a reason. I wasn't sure what God's plan was but I was hoping that whatever it was that he would make sure one way or another we could be together.

We wanted to spend us much time together before our timer stopped ticking. We opted for some movies. During the movie I couldn't stop thinking about how in just a short period of time I would be on the opposite side of the world and wondering what Jacob would be doing without me. I tried to pin the thought from my brain. After sometime I needed a distraction to clear my head.

I took the remote control and turned the TV off and said,

"Well I'm feeling hungry so I thought we could go for a walk and get some ice cream."

"Hmm well we have food here." He replied jokingly as he showed the food laying in front of us.

"Yeah but we don't have ice cream and plus I want to get out of the house for a bit." I said.

"Pretty please." I begged.

"Hahaha sure, how could I say no." He said jokingly.

As we proceeded to get out coats and bag I got a call from my mum. I knew I had to answer it because I made a promise before I left that no matter what I would always be a phone call away.

I proceeded to the bathroom for some privacy so I could answer the call.

I answered the call.

"Hey mum, how are you." I said.

"Hi honey, I'm doing well. Just wanted to chat and see how everything was going."

"That's good to hear mum, tell everyone I said hi. I'm doing well." I said

"Will do how's everything going with the boy." She replied.

I told my mum a few days back about Jacob.

"Everything is going great." I said while smiling.

"Hmm you seem giddish, you can tell me. Your my daughter I know how your feeling." She replied in her mum tone.

I just giggled and said

"Hahah well I really like him." I blurted.

"Have you told him." She asked.

"Yes hahah." I said

Then continued

"But I think were just gong to be friends, because when I leave I'm not sure what will happen." I said sadly.

"Aww honey, you're a smart girl, you will figure this out. Things will work out." She replied back.

"I hope so." I said.

"Hahah well were gonna have to meet this boy." She said jokingly

"MUM." I laughed.

"Well I'm glad your ok and that you and Layla are having so much fun. I miss you." She replied

"Me to, I miss you all." I said.

"Well I better get going its getting late and I have got work in the morning." She replied.

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