1. Break

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" Open her up for the camera," Josh spoke as he adjusted the camera. I allowed my fingers wander through her folds and open her up in an angle I was used to doing.

"Perfect, " he applauded, as I pumped deeply into her and stared into her eyes to create a deep connection. Not just the crazy sex. Something to draw the fans in.

"You are so fucking huge Archer, " she giggled. I smiled back and continued to plung deeper into her. This was the fifth time filming with Evangeline. The last film we did was a threesome. It blew the porn site. Making the two of us the most wanted on the site. Crazy right?.

"Shut up, Evan, " I scoffed and raked my fingers into my hair. Josh was the person who suggested I joined the adult industry ten years ago. He said I looked perfect for the camera and since then it was a boom. I was signing deals like a car with broken breaks. My days filled with interviews, filming and other busy things.

" How many more seconds till we done with this shit?, " she turned to Josh, who seemed too busy on setting the camera at the right angle. Angles, one of the hardest things for porn stars because not all angles were comfortable.

"Leg over shoulder and we'll be done in ten, "

He started the countdown. I grunted as I felt myself coming into the condom, I had on.

"Fuck, yes, right there!, " Evan screamed in ecstasy. She was good at this. She was always ready for the camera, making her one of my favorite. She was confident and knew what she wanted,without any distractions.

"And one, CUT!, " Josh raised a hand and everything was done. I pulled out of her and caught my breath. I pulled tissues and got the codom,dumping it in the bin. One of the boys, brought me a towel, which I wrapped around my waist. I normally walked around naked, because it was something normal. Something usual.

Evangeline rose from the couch we shot on and winked at me. She came closer and pecked my lips.

"And that was a wrap!, I'm making some money!, " she squealed. Evangeline was never in a bad mood.

" You're really annoying, but you're adorable babe" I teased and kissed her deeply. It was a thing for the two of us. Josh approached us, with a sandwich in his left hand. That reminded me, I was super hungry now but I had to leave soon.

"When is our next shoot?," I asked. I was going on this vacation for a month but I needed to know just in case I could make it.

"You need rest man, you're such a workaholic. There will be no shoot until you get back,we already have enough videos to last the month, " he handed me my ticket and passport.

In the corner , I saw my suitcase, tucked away safely. He had those delivered to me since I couldn't drive back home.

"I'll see you Josh. Evan, I'll see you soon babe!, " I waved and went to shower, the cold water relaxing my heated muscles.

I had approximately, thirty minutes to reach the airport. I showered, pulled on my black shirt, rolled up the sleeves and exited the changing room.

Evangeline was gone. Probably gone to shower up too.

"Greetings to Ryan!, that guy would have been a massive dick in the industry, " we burst into laughter. Josh was funny.

That would never happen. Ryan wasn't like me. He had someone he loved and couldn't bare to touch another woman, or worse have sex with her.

I, on the other hand didn't believe in that. Love wasn't something I believed in. Porn was my life. Always would be.


This was part of a research and I hope it's worth it. Because damn I wrote that feeling like I was right there lol

And wait......

Did I write in a man's pov ,behind the scene of porn making?.... Goodness gracious, that's CRAZILISTIC!

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