36. In The Dark

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I'm way too good at goodbyes...
Sam Smith.


At the hospital I tapped my foot against the floor so hard. He needed to be fine. I was angry at him but that didn't mean I wished him bad. I wasn't that heartless to do that. I tried to control my impatience.Vlad had gone in with him and he hadn't come out since. He specifically stated that I needed to stay here and wait for him. Doctor's instruction.

It made me worried. What if whatever was wrong with him wasn't just a fever. Could it have been something worse?. I couldn't stop my mind from overthinking. He wasn't feeling well. He fucking passed out in my arms. What if we didn't bring him earlier.

What if his fever was that serious?. I watched as patients, doctor's,nurses and visitors walked in and out of the hospital. I needed to see him. I decided to call Vlad's phone. The call went unanswered. I was getting more scared. Why wasn't anyone telling me anything?. I decided to make some sort of an excuse.

" Err, excuse me doctor, I received a call that a patient was admitted here," I had already asked a few doctor's but when I asked directly they only said to wait. Something wasn't feeling right around here.

" Oh, what's his name?, I just came in I'll try to figure it out," I released a deep breath. I thanked heavens that he just came in.

" He's called Archer Pierce," I gave him the necessary information. I watched as he approached one of the nurses who appeared to be new around there. She smiled at him showing signs of an interest in the man. He nodded curtly and returned to me.

" Madam, He's doing fine and he's in room 87," he announced. I thanked him and went on my search to find the room. When I got to room 87 I smiled at my accomplishment. The hospital was like a maze and the elevator wasn't working.

I pushed the door slightly in order not to make any noises. I halted in my steps when I heard Vlad's voice.

" On all the other days, you had to choose this day to get fucking sick," he snickered to Archer who was laying in the hospital bed with an IV in his hand.

" It's your fault in the first place, you planned all of this," my stomach turned at his words. What were they talking about?.

" It's not like I can control my heart, Isabel is too intoxicating and you know anyman would fall in love with her and I wasn't any different," Vlad exasperated.

" When you called me after Daniela left, you wanted to make up for your wrongs to her and not fall in love with her,"

" I deliberately hurt her knowing she'd come back to your house so you'd mend your mistakes and you went extremely far by bringing her here,"

" To Italy ,to your fucked up past and about hiring those couple , to pretend they were your parents. Those two betrayed you with just a top up," Archer retorted. I was finding it hard to stand.

" She was your stepdaughter for fuck sake Vlad!,"

" But I love her!,"

" And now she hates me!," Archer answered.

" Maybe I can convince her to give you a chance," Vlad paced around the room.

" You shouldn't have gotten involved with Daniela if you knew she loved someone else!,"

" I know don't rub it in, we just need to figure out a way. "

" A way to lie to me again," I spoke. The look on their faces were disgusting. I digusted them now.



" Fuck you!," I yelled not caring about my surroundings. There was nothing more painful than what I just witnessed. They had crashed me to ashes. They made me sick to the core.

"I'm some sort of a toy you two can play with?, Gosh. How stupid have I been?," I wanted to stop breathing. They were demons. Devil's in sheep's clothing.

" Don't you dare say a word because I heard everything you two said."

" You two disgust me,"

I bolted out the room. I just ran. All this while it was just a plan between two friends and the plan happened to spiral out of control and now both of them were in a deep mess. I could care less now.

I felt the constricting pain in my chest. It became too hard to cry. I was numb to every emotion. Even to the torrent of rain pelting down on my skin. I walked in the rain feeling like the most stupid person in the world.

They had completely ruined me. Ruined my life, my emotions and my heart.The pain was life threatening. I couldn't take it.

I took a cab to his house and run upstairs. I stuffed my bag with clothes not caring what I took. I just needed one suitcase. I took my passport and all my necessary documents. I booked a flight on my phone. An early flight. My gaze was blurry and my heart was bleeding. What kind of fucked up game was that?. They had no right!.

I changed out of my clothes and got into a jeans and a shirt that belonged to me. I didn't want to have anything of his. I loved him. I was completely in love with him thinking he was different. Liars never changed. And they were the most despicable liars.

I took my suitcase and exited the room and finally the mansion. I got into the cab and asked him to drop me off at the airport. I had made a life here in Italy. Romeo and Matteo but if I stayed any moment then I'd just lost it.

I felt betrayed , used and lied to. My heart was completely broken to a state that wasn't repairable.

The noises at the airport drowned my screaming thoughts putting them under control. My flight was announced, I rose from the seat and grabbed my suitcase. I switched off my phone and dumped it into a trash nearby. I had transferred all my information into another phone I got on the way. I didn't want to have anything to do with them.

I glanced around the airport one last time and right then, I saw them roaming the airport, Romeo with them.

I was going to miss him. He was my only friend. The only person who never lied to me.

I'll miss you Romeo and I love you so very much. I hope you can forgive me.

My hands were shaking as I wrote the note. I passed it to a little kid running around the airport. I pointed to Romeo and he grinned at me. The little boy run off.

I walked to the queue that was leading to my flight. Everything went smoothly as I boarded the plane.

As I waited and looked out into the dark, I realized.

I was left in the dark.

Shattered and lonely.

Love was incredibly forbidden, it wasn't meant for me and I learned it the hard way.

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