31. Meetings.

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A week went by and with each day I was feeling much of myself. I was getting back to my happy self. Though I was more at home than going out and I was finding a passion for cooking lately. It was therapeutic for me. Though my paintings were also a safe haven for me. I had grown very much after what I went through. The decision I took made me realize how strong I was. I just never realized it.

I was making a potato dish I saw online. I cut the potatoes in pieces as the the video instructed. I wasn't familiar with cooking but I could cook to survive a night or two. The thought made me laugh.

"Smells good in here," I dropped the cup of flour on the counter. I turned around staring at the culprit.

" Vlad you scared me," I scolded. He shrugged innocently. When Vlad wasn't in his dark space, he was incredibly sweet. Though I loved him in both ways.

Love. No I meant liked.

" What are you making?," He pulled me into him. I smiled.

" Trying to make a potato treat, cooking is harder than I thought," I pouted,earning a chuckle from him. I stared into his eyes. He was so..... imperfectly perfect.

" Seems like fried stuffed potato," he reached over for my phone. He shook his head.

" Let's put this aside," he turned it off and folded the sleeves of his shirt.

" You just got back from work!," I tried to stop him. He had other things to do besides being in the kitchen with me, though I was quite happy he was.

" Doesn't mean I can't cook," he smirked and checked on the potatoes on the stove. He took them out and drained the hot water from it. He set it aside waiting for it to cool down.

" I didn't know you were such a good cook," I watched him expertly mash the potatoes.

" My father and I used to always be in the kitchen, " he spoke as he added the necessary spices to it and a little flour to the mixture.

"He owed one of the restaurants in town and it was the only place I was accepted," he shrugged a shoulder.

Why wasn't he accepted?.

" In school, the only friend I had was my dad. I don't know I seemed to attract bullies somehow so the only place I could find peace was in the kitchen," he explained. Learning about him and his past was a very special thing to me.

" So your dad still runs the place?," I asked.

" Yes, he refuses to let it go into the wrong hands and my mum has to put up with his complaints of joint pain," I giggled. He scoffed playfully. He had a beautiful family.

" You have a beautiful family," I said.

" No I don't, there's no such thing as a beautiful family. It requires hardwork and love, it may be broken but it's fine," he explained as he rolled out the the dough formed my the potato.

" Sometimes I wish I have a family," I blurted out. That wasn't meant to come out.

" You do," he stopped cooking and turned towards me. He hoisted me up unto the kitchen island. Both arms holding me in place.

" You have me Bella and that will never change," he placed a soft kiss on my lips. After we kissed in the couch a week ago, he refrained from even touching me. He waited. Waited for me to heal.

" Thank you," I caressed his face, tracing every line.

" No thank you," he rested his forehead on mine. He mended our lips in a perfect sync. The kiss was slow and fragile. I leaned into him moaning into the kiss. We pulled apart when someone cleared his throat.

Romeo. This guy always had bad timing around Vlad and I. I blushed.
Another guy walked in he was quite taller than Romeo. His curly blonde hair and doe green eyes looked between us shyly. I jumped off the island and straightened the shirt I was in. The longer I stared at him, the more I realized who he was.

" Matteo!," I squealed excited. I didn't know him but looking between them I just knew.

" Romeo has said alot about you," I pulled him into a hug, winking at Romeo. He rolled his eyes at me.

" I didn't know I was famous," he scratched his neck awkwardly. I just chuckled. He was the shy type whilst Romeo was more opened.

" And I'm guessing you're Isabel, my boyfriend's best friend," he winked at me. I waved it off.

" And yes meet Vlad," I went to drag Vlad from his position. He wasn't planning on joining the conversation.

" Don't be a grumpy boyfriend!," I blurted out. My words sank in. It didn't mean anything. I was just playing around.

Both of them fidgeted in their spot. He always had an effect on everyone. Vlad nodded curtly to the two.

" I'll get back to making your dish, why don't you guys go have a chat, it will be done in a giffy," I arched a brow asking him if he'll be able to handle it alone. He nodded. He placed a kiss on my cheek.

" Don't be a bad girl," he whispered. My face flushed at his words. He went back to making the dish.

" He's so scary," Matteo whispered. I laughed and pushed them out of the kitchen.

" I literally wet my pants, Isabel," Romeo added as he trembled pretentiously. I laughed so hard it hurt.

" Matteo,Romeo, stop it!," I slapped them on the shoulders.

"Ouch!," They chorused.

I was content with my life now. Two friends I could talk to and have the best time of my life with and also a man who never failed to make me feel like a queen. Vlad.

" Let me get my phone," I rushed back to the kitchen. I was lying I just wanted to steal a kiss. I tapped his shoulder. He turned around sharply. I pressed a kiss on his lips. I was giggling like a kid who just got his or her favorite candy.

" I just came to get my phone, " I smiled as I took my phone and run out the kitchen. But not before hearing the last of his words.

" You're going to pay for that Bella!,"

I paused when my phone pinged with a text.

I'm coming for you, Isabel.

I knew that contact too well.



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