17. Silence

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Just an experiment.

I jolt awake to a splitting headache. I never knew hangovers felt like this but I read about them and that didn't sound pleasant neither did this. My head pounded. I rubbed my sore eyes and turned to the bedside table. Luckily there was a glass of water and a painkiller lying on a tray. I quickly took the pill and gulped the water down hungrily. My throat burned at the sensation.

" Easy with that, Isabel." I stiffened when I recognized his voice. He was watching me the whole time in the darkest corner of the room. His room.

He came into the light.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away. I couldn't bear to look at him after his words, yet his presence was so commanding. I felt like a little girl getting scolded for not doing the right thing.

" I'll get going," I threw the heavy blanket to the side. I grimaced when I realized I was in his shirt and boxers.Overly large to be precise.

" You are not going anywhere ,until you tell me what the fuck you were thinking ?!" I flinched at the tone of his voice. He was mad. Furious.

" Excuse me?, It's my life and I do what I want with it not the other way round!," I retorted,followed by a scoff.

" You fucking got drugged and you expect me to remain calm?" His revelation caused me to stumble back. Then I remembered. The waitor. The wine. The headache and me sweating so bad. My gaze met his.

" I,... I," I stuttered still in shock.

" Do you know how many bad people are out there!... Ready to pounce at any given opportunity!, You should have known better!" He released a breath. I looked away feeling so terrible.

" Says the man who calls me an experiment,a little girl who is nothing more or nothing less..." I trailed off,my voice strained. I swallowed back my tears.

" You are the bad ,you are the one who hurt me first ,Archer!" His face turned pale at the realization that I heard his little with Evangeline.

I took long stride ls towards him,I was a hair's lenght away from him. I angry tore off his shirt off my body, showing him my body.

" This looks like an experiment right!" I sniffled loudly.

His eyes softened carrying the deepest regret in them.

" I'm a fucking experiment ,you need in order to be able to shoot such scenes when the time comes.." I whispered the last part and drew away from him.

" Archer you're the only person I trusted. You gave me a life that I so wanted and yet...you betrayed me...," I was a sobbing mess now. He reached out to me.

" Don't touch me!, Don't even get an inch close to me!," He didn't listen he picked the blanket so fast and wrapped it around my body.

" I'm an experiment so what makes it so wrong when others want to have their time with me?" He shook his head. I nodded.

" I'm your personal fuck girl,right?" I chuckled humorlessly.
He held me so tight and it felt like he was putting my broken self together.

" I'm sorry, ......I failed you.... I'm a stupid idiot for what I did, what I said and how badly I treated you."

"Its not your fault but mine....I ....I am afraid of the fact that I.... I,"

"Please,...I wanna go home" the words felt bitter in my mouth but I didn't want to stay near him anymore. I was stupid to think we had something going on. It was nothing. I just imagined things.

" Isabel," he said breathily. I raised my hand stopping him. I wiped my tears and stepped away from him.

" It's the right thing to do. This isn't working ,we will never work and it's time to fave reality, I'm still Isabel Jacobs."

" Isabel, Ryan..."

" I know my dad, he'll listen even if he treats me so badly sometimes. I trust he'll...listen."

Lies. I didn't know but one thing was clear. I wanted to hug my mum and just cry .

He nodded. Maybe I was imagining things but I saw a lone tear escape his eyes.

" I'll tell Josh to get the jet ready," he looked away.

" Thank you," I whispered. He turned around and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips before he pecked my forehead.

"I," he hesitated.

"I'll miss you and take care," I knew where this was getting when he kissed me again so I said the one word to make him stop. I wouldn't be able to leave if anything happened between us.


His touch turned cold, so did his features. He turned and walked out the door.

I broke down,crying with the force of a person vomiting on all fours.

It was over.

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