20. Away

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I felt my body jerk every single minute. It felt like I was in a moving object. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep on Ryan's chest. That was so embarrassing if you'd ask me but if you were probably drunk to the brim, then you'd accept that situation.

Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. I groaned when the rays of sunlight slapped me in the eyes.

I sat up from my sleeping position and rubbed my blurry vision. I was in a car. I didn't know this car. The crazy scenario of being kidnapped escapes my mind when I recognize the driver. He was seriously driving , his features hardened and focused. Where were we going?.

" Urr...where are we?," I rubbed my temple to relieve myself of the pounding headache.

Instead of answering my question he passed me a bottle of water and a painkiller. I needed it so I didn't protest. I gulped it down and settled the bottle next to me.

" In Italy," my jaw dropped at the revelation. How did we get to Italy in a split second.

"How...how did we get here? ,and who gave you the permission to bring me along?!" I ranted. I was furious. He didn't even ask me. How dare he?.

" I sold the house ,if you remember, I told you last night and I know you don't have anywhere to go so I had to carry a drunk Bella to the airport and board my jet,"

" Your jet?,"

" Your mother preferred me to be the simple man so I simply did that," okay another revelation that the man I was leaving with all along was some sort of billionaire who became a simple man for his wife.

" Your wife," I corrected. I looked out the window ,in a way I enjoyed the distinct scenery of Italy. It was a beautiful country.

" Ex wife, why are you so bent on getting on my nerves ,Bella?," He shot me a look.

" It's the only reasonable thing I can do Ryan," I shrugged. Maybe I was too hurt to actually feel anything now. I felt completely numb.

" Ok, one more lie needs to be discussed," I glared at him.

" My name is not Ryan, Isabel Jacobs," my heart sank. What was he talking about?. I didn't understand anything he was saying. He was probably messing with me because I was getting on his nerves.

"I'm telling you this because Incase you get lost around here, which is a possibility, no one knows Ryan Jacobs. It was just a name your .....Daniella came up with so you wouldn't have to call me by my name,"

I was shocked ,beyond shocked.

Did he love her that much to actually change his full name. His identity and take on a fake one. For her.

" And what is your name?,"

How could I believe so many things.

" It's started when we were pretty young and I met her. She said didn't like my name so it would be nice to be called Ryan,"

"You must have loved her that much," I gazed into his eyes with the same intensity.

" Vladimiro De Luca, born to two Italian parents and raised as one,"

" That's what everyone calls me around here, so that's what you call me from now ,Bella,"

" Why did you lie so much for her?" The question came out before I could contemplate on it. He sighs, still void of any emotions.

" Because I loved her," he confessed and the car came to a screeching halt. The mansion we were parked infront could fit to be a castle. He left everything he knew for her. Every single second made me realize how much he was hurting. It didn't even come close to my situation.

" Vlad?, " I tasted his name on my lips. It sounded different. He whipped around so fast with both suitcases in hand.

" I errr.... figured I'd call you that since your name is long," I cleared my throat.

" I kinda like it, it's cool," she shrugged. I swear I saw him smirk. He definitely did.

" How were you able to live so simply?" I couldn't stop myself from asking him questions. I wanted to know about him too. I could feel that all his life no one actually knew him well enough.

" Bella, if you're in love with someone,you do the craziest things, the strangest things even changing yourself to be someone else,"

" Why am I even asking? I'm so stupid. I loved Archer that much to run off with him," I confessed. I was a mess. I don't know how I started crying but I did.

" Oh Bella, " he pulled me against his chest as I cried. I cried so hard. Like I was finally letting the pain out.

" Everything feels different," I said. It was like the world just gave up on me and I no longer had anything. Not even the one thing I cherished most. My family.

" I'll break that fuckers nose the next time I meet him,"

" Not like I would mind," I sniffled and wiped my tears. He brushed his thumb against my cheeks and we were stopped in time. I was looking right into his eyes. There was something. An insane intensity.

"Let's go inside, I'd like you to meet my parents, they can be a handful sometimes," he rolled his eyes. I smiled and nodded.

" Forget we ever knew eachother, picture today as the day we're both meeting, two strangers," he was right. The past should be behind us now. It was time to start afresh. To begin a new journey with this man called Vladimiro De Luca.

" Hello Mr Vladimiro De Luca, I am Isabel Jacobs, this is my first time in Italy and I'm glad to meet you,"

" Hearing my name from your lips sound awkward as fuck," he grumbled playfully. He stretched out his hand to me. I stared at his large hands. I smiled and placed my smaller one into his. He intertwined our fingers and we walked into his house together.

The insides of the building was spectacular. It had an Italian touch to it. He tensed besides me. I could understand the familiarity he felt being home.

""Mio carissimo figlio!" an older woman walked hastily towards us. From the resemblance I didn't need to be told. She was Vlad's mother. He was her replica. (My dearest son!")

A man walked up to us. He stared between the two of us but his focus mainly on Vlad. I could see the love in his eyes.

" Vladimiro, my son," he hugged him, patting his back in the process. The whole family reunion was making me an emotional mess and the fact that they were speaking Italian didn't help either.

On a serious note, I never knew Italian could sound so beautiful coming from Vlad's lips.
I was in a trance as I stared at him.

" Mamma, papà ti presento Isabel, è un'amica" I slowly slipped out of the trance I was in. (Mum ,dad meet Isabel, she's a friend)

He whispered," I just told them you are my friend,"

I nodded and extended my hand to greet them. His mother pulled me into a hug.

" We don't like to shake hands in the family dear," I chuckled.

" Sorry for making you feel unnoticed with us speaking Italian," his dad apologized but I waved it off.

" It's fine, anyways I'm glad to meet you!, " I said.

" Come on, there's so much food. It's been so long we ever ate together," Vlad's mum said sadly. It had been years.

" There alot of different foods and I can't wait for you to try them Isabel, and yes,"

" I'm gonna show you all his favorite food so that when you get married, he will stop coming to eat from my kitchen!," My lips formed an o.

" Mamma!," He exclaimed

" Yes son!, You need to get married!," If only she knew he was but not anymore.

He mumbled a sorry but I shrugged it off. It wasn't like he wouldn't be a perfect life partner.

What's wrong with you?, Are you insane Isabel!

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