Chapter 3 - The awakening...

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I woke up gasping for my breath.

I quickly examined my surroundings only to find that I'm now in a bedroom. It looks similar to when I had my bedroom in my dream.

'Was that all but a dream? It was a really scary nightma-'

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'Was that all but a dream? It was a really scary nightma-'

My mind went blank for a while when I found that I cannot remember anything correctly I can remember it but at the same time, I cannot. Ughhh! it's very difficult to express.

It's like I know that I experienced the things but I don't know what happened! But I know that something very scary and creepy things happened to me.

'...Probably it is just a dream.'

I examined my body. I'm in the body of a male child, probably around 7~8 years old. I have smooth white skin and have a quite small but sturdy body. I cannot recall anything. I don't even remember my name. Suddenly I saw a small button in my vision. It was translucent blue.

{A/N: Now before you start complaining; the MC will have his memories back as he powers up. His personality is not affected by his new body but he will try his best to not raise any suspicion. So bear it with me as he will act childish in the following few chapters...

Also, he can easily identify persons/objects/etc. by reference from his past life and will know its purpose, what they mean and what are their uses but he cannot remember the events related to it. For example, he will know how to use mobile phones but win not remember that he was the one who invented it(Not really but just for example)..}

As I tapped on it, as a blue screen popped up floating in front of me. I was a little started but calmly listened to the notification said to me.


[Congratulations! You are selected by the Infinity System! You can ask me about all your inquiry but the host will have to discover all of the functions of the system himself! For further information, you can use common commands like 'Show Status', 'Show Skills', 'Show Inventory' or 'Show Mission']

['Show Status' will show you your current status. 'Show Skills' will show you all the current skills you have. 'Show Mission' will show you acceptable missions which are currently available. You can accept the missions which are currently available. If you accept a mission and fail to complete them, your stats will be temporarily reduced for a certain amount of time.]

['Show Inventory' will show Inventory. It is a special function and will only be able to contain 5 items of any size only. ]


My mind started to swallow up all the information and the thought that all the things that happened to me until now were probably true and came to the conclusion that something really happened to me.

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