Chapter 12- From the Future!? Talk with Kurumi and movements in the dark

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I tried to run away from there but as if the space itself has become solid, I am stuck and cannot even move a muscle. Ainzus came in front of me and lightly pushed me as I blanked out.


(Omniscient Viewer's POV)

As Ainzus pushed Ryo's body, a purple ghostly body was smacked out of his back as his physical body fell lifelessly toward the ground. Kurumi quickly lifted his body and saved it from hitting the ground.
Nana was a little scared but with all her courage, she asked loudly, "What are you doing with Ryo's bod-" Before she could speak more, Ainzus pointed his finger at her head as she also feel unconscious and like Ryo's body, she was carried by Kurumi.

Ainzus felt a gaze from a conceptual being and looked in a particular direction. His eyes met the imaginary eyes of a being made of concept. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Soon the being left and Ainzus ignored it and murmured, "It is a true blessing to have blessings of a being who looks after its apostles… the girl is very lucky to have such a thing."

{It was speed force and I have changed the personality of this force than compared to DC where it does everything to get powerful apostle for her wording. It gave the power very randomly and this also causes several variant Speedsters to destroy universes at regular intervals.}

{My [Speed Force] is different. There will rarely be any opponents with [Speed Force]. It will also look after the beings which have received its blessings. Also, the reason why the Crimson Church didn't directly take control over her body and soul.}

Then his attention returned to his present surroundings. He saw a ghostly body was had no complete solid structure. It was as if its body is made up of liquid, but it was able to maintain a humanoid shape. The ghostly body was radiating with the power of concept related to Infinity. It looked as if it is a ghost with dark purple skin and red eyes and silver lines running throughout his body. It is actually Ryo's soul.

{It looks like The Shadow from Fortnite but with silver lines all over its body.}

After getting out of his body, it let out a loud roar which caused the nearby windows of the buildings to shatter

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After getting out of his body, it let out a loud roar which caused the nearby windows of the buildings to shatter. Ainzus waved his hand and all the people within 1 km radius were teleported to a safe place while their memories were wiped out about the recent supernatural events.

Then he looked at the Ryo's soul and stretched out his hand and made a grabbing action. This action caused the soul to try escaping from him but to its vain as it suddenly felt a pulling force and was pulled toward Ainzus's hand.

Ainzus held the soul by his neck and started to caress the silver lines. As Ainzus was doing so, the soul tried to hit and attack him wildly but it didn't even move a strand of Ainzus's hair.
When Ainzus moved his finger through these silver lines, these lines started to fade away into small silver light particles. Ainzus made a hand gesture and soon these light particles were collected in the form of the orb which he stared at for a few seconds before crushing it.

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