Chapter 27 - Killing Hanma, End of the world & Next world

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I have just quicken the process of the whole chapter. I don't want to strech this ark any longer.

I have recently started to burn myself out and had been feeling sleepy during the day.
I will take a break after releasing the next chapter.


(3rd POV)

After coming out of the lab, Ryo ordered his subordinates to clean up all the things.

Ryo then proceed to enter the main server and directly hacked into all the surveillance cameras and satellites to observe all the things that had happened.

When he saw how instead of Arata Ryo, an another person entered the school and triggered the explosions, he just started to calculate every single possibility to kill off the survivor. With what he saw, the dark red haired person was very strong, almost reaching his rank.

He started to hack the military system all over the world from his computer. Although he faced a little problem, with his talent, it only took a second to take care of all the defence system. He had done this before the apocalypse, he had injected a virus on the world servers that he could now control every single computer in the world.
Then after confirming everything, he took all his subordinates.

They slowly reached the place where Hanma was resting. It was a isolated house in wood. Since Ryo didn't had any burden of protecting someone, he used his mana and platform Creation skill to reach the place where Hanma Ryo was resting without making any noise.

Otsuki Ryo quickly took out his silenced gun and aimed at him and shot. With all his skills and talents, it would have been piece of cake to kill someone, but Hanma Ryo was not any kind of mob. His Instincts and sense warned him, as he quickly jumped from his bed.

The bullet just missed him by a small margin. On the other hand, Hanma, feeling crisis, quickly escaped.

But just as he tried to escape, a red crystal pillar emerged from the ground and went straight for Hanma's heart. This pillar was Otsuki Ryo's Kagune.
'So Fast!', Hanma thought as he created a mana sheild and tried to dodge it by jumping backwards. But due to the internal damage and weakness, his speed was a lot slower than Otsuki's attack.

Otsuki's Kagune directly slammed Hanma's mana shield and threw him in the air. That's not all, Otsuki Ryo had already prepared a Kagune in the air for this situation. This Kagune directly pierced Hanma's hands and legs, thus making him immobilize.

Without waiting for his answer, Otsuki Ryo sealed his mouth and body, wrapped him up completely and strangled him tightly. Ryo then made several more layers of crystals around him and then sealed Hanma.

[Please wait. Calculating the outcome...

Congratulations, you have sealed off one of your parallel. Calculating two items, abilities and skill to be copied from...

Congratulations, you gained:
1. Skill [Techno Inventor]
2. Skill [Quick Draw] ]

[Remaining Missions:

2. Kill at least 100,000 zombies. Repeatable. (104,000/ 100,000)

3. Kill your parallel. (2/2) (Completed)]

[World Travel is possible. Would you like to proceed? Y/N]

Ryo just glanced at the notification and felt happy. With the Inventor skill, he will be able to learn everything more faster and easier. With this he will be able to discover, invent and learn everything more easily. He just wished that he could visit a little advance world so that he could get the best equipments and learn things that he had not learnt in his previous life.

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