Chapter 22- Search for supplies and #'s POV

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It's a New Year! Enjoy~
BTW, Happy New Year! Gimme that stone for today's 3 in 1 chapter and all the hard work that I had done.
Also please comment and give suggestions for anything that is needed to be improved or added to the plot.




Taking the keys, Ryo quickly started the engine and pressed the accelerator as the bus produced a loud noise and sped up. With lots of students, the speed of the bus was slow but the momentum was a lot greater, this was enough for crushing any zombies coming in their way. With Ryo's professional driving and racing skills, it was a piece of cake to drive the bus out of the school.
The bus crushed, trampled, and smacked several zombies and killed as they came in the way, but this also slowed the bus down. Somehow Ryo had a weird feeling since he last saw the running zombie. The evolution was a lot faster. Just now he had already killed two or three mutants. This made him frown as he quickly calculated and asked out in the bus, "Do any of you guys know how to drive?"

Shizuka replied, "Me! Me! I know how to drive a bus. Although the control might be different from my car, I will manage to drive it! But Ryo-kun, why are you asking this?" Ryo nodded as he said, "The bus is very slow and overcrowded, so we will have to clear the way for it to move or we will soon be surrounded by a group of these things." He then parked the bus at a safer place as he stood up from his seat. "I and Nana are going to clear the way. Also, those people who can fight will also take turn clearing the way."

This caused the students to cower in fear as they talked and complained loudly. Ryo frowned and release his mana as he said, "Hmuf! If you pussies are so weak and useless, I would rather make you leave the bus" This made them silent. Saya suddenly pointed out, "But where do we go first."

Ryo instantly took out a mobile phone from his pocket as he pointed out, "With how many survivors we have, our first priority should be supplies and daily necessities. The fastest and quickest way to get supplies is a mall."

"What about our families!?"

"Sensei, please go to my house! I want to see my parents!"

"No! go to my house-"

They went silent as Ryo pulled a student by his collar and ordered, "One more word and I will throw you outside. I won't care if you will be eaten alive. If you want to stay with us, follow my orders. Understand!?" The guy nodded so quickly that it looked like his neck might break. Handing his phone to Shizuka, he instructed, "The mall is ten minutes away from here. With how fast we are traveling, it would take 20 minutes almost."

Ryo then handed one of his katanas to confused Saeko. "These weapons will help you kill them in an easier way", Ryo said expressionlessly as he left the bus along with Nana and started to kill all the zombies in the way. Saeko stared at the short katana given to her with a smile and held its scabbard more tightly. Then she also left the bus along with Takashi, Kohta, and several other students, helping them clear the zombies.


Everywhere, in the entire world, people yelled, pleaded, and cried for help, pleading for someone to come and save them. What did it earn them? Faster death. No one wanted to fight against the overwhelming horde of zombies. Only a few bothered to save and protect their loved ones.

The creatures from ancient myths, known to bring extreme destruction and massacre wherever they go. Just a bloody scratch is enough to infect a normal person into undead like them.

{A/N: Fun fact, Zombie folklore has been around for centuries in Haiti, possibly originating in the 17th century when West African slaves were brought in to work on Haiti's sugar cane plantations. It was also found out that ancient Egyptians used the concept of Undead in their myths. They used Mummy to personify the process of rebirth. They are said to be the first civilization that lead to the creation and birth of the idea of The Undead or people coming back from the 'realm or state of death.'}

{Zombies and Undead are different but are 'almost' the same.}
These creatures were causing a lot of destruction whenever they go, roaring, scratching, biting, and chewing on any moving human meat. But zombies were not the only ones bringing destruction. Humans are also very weak, dirty, and selfish creatures. Finding that there was no way that they will be able to survive, they started to loot, kill, ra*pe, and abuse their power to have as much fun as they could possible before their death.


Looking outside from the window of the bus, Takashi clenches his fist and feels sad. Wherever his eyes go, he can only see death and destruction. He had been killing zombies for approximately 5 minutes. As he had been swinging his metal weapon they found in their way, he was very tired and his hands were sore because this was the first time that he had done so many heavy attacks.

During their journey, they have saved several other civilians and had to use another vehicle for transportation.  Although a few had already died, with Ryo and Nana's help, there was very few people dying, or else most of the people in the bus would have die. The final count of the people was 130.

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