Chapter 25 - Experiments (PT-2)

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Hey guys, don't forget to comment or drop stones.
Hope you enjoy the chapter.
Note: This chapter contains dark graphical elements. There will be experiments and torture scene. Thank you~


'Is this what I really wanted?'
'Will I free myself from all the worries?'


Memories of his past flashed back in his eyes. He remembered how he had promised Rei to marry and all his regrets he had. Emotions flooded his mind and he let out a final struggle.

With his final struggle, he tried everything with his might to save Rei from Ryo. He felt something crack in himself, something breaking free from his body. It was as if, all the restrains on his body was broken. He can feel his body transform fastly and a weird feeling of something crawling on his body. Finally he was able to get his body control back. He quickly opened his eyes to see what was going on.
Unlike his previous average human appearance, now his body had grown up by a lot. He was now reaching 6'11 feet tall with buffed body. His skin had turned a little pale greyish and his eyes were completed black. He felt huge potential from his body. Just a quick look can say that he was not someone who can be messed up with.

After some quick examination, Takashi quickly remembered that Rei was injected with the virus. To his fear, he saw her struggle getting weaker and weaker. With desparation he grabbed Ryo's collar. Just his speed was so fast that he appeared a blur to normal human eye. Every single step he took, caused a small footprint to form on the ground.

"BASTARD! Save Rei and I will let you live! If anything happened to Rei, I will make you regret staying alive."

He ordered Ryo with a very twisted face. Even in such situations, Ryo didn't changed his actions and instead looked at him with a emotionless eyes. Looking into the abyss like eyes, completely devoid of any emotions, a chill went through his spine.

Unlike his usual self, he didn't cower and had any naive thoughts. He quickly tried to grab Ryo by his neck and tried to lift him in the air to make Ryo understand his situation.

But just as he was about to grab his neck, several quick blurry things pierced his body. Takashi was not able to react as both of his hands and legs got pierced. Unlike normal human, who might scream in pain, Takashi didn't even twitched, indicating that he felt no pain.

The things that pieced his legs and hands turned out to be a tentacle like things prolonging from Ryo's stomach. This was Ryo's more powerful and flexible Body Crystallization abilities. With his ability, he was able to create several Kagunes that can be used during fight. With his several Kagunes, Ryo lifted Takashi in mid air and started to examine his body as he tried to break free from Ryo's Kagunes. Although he was a little shaken of how his hands and legs were pierced, he didn't feel any pain. With that, he tried his best to escape.

"BASTARD! Let me go! Do you even understand what you are doing!? You are murdering people!"

Ryo didn't even paid attention to Takashi as he started to examine his body. Ryo felt happy that he finally found a complete successful experiment. With this, he will be able to improve his powers. He was not disappointed from the 'Protagonist Aura' that Takashi had. He quickly took his blood and stored the sample in the freezer.

He had previously not shown his full power because he was a little cautious. He had seen those Resident Evil movies and played the games to know how much potential a mutant can reach. He knew that the experiment subjects will never be able to reach E-Rank but still he didn't denied that potential.
With that, he placed his hand on Takashi's chest and examined his body internally by flowing mana through his body.

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