Chapter 6 - Magic (─‿‿─)

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As I entered my room, firstly I waited for a few hours before the food is digested. It was instructed to have glucose but just before arriving, I drank it. My mother was looking weirdly at my action because I drank it just after breakfast but she dismissed it.

I am worried about how long it will take them to find about my personality change. The main problem is that although I got my memories, the memories did not bring the feelings alongside it. It was as if I was watching a film. I can see the love the previous owner of my body had to his parents but I don't have such deep love.

Yes, there is a little care but that's it. It's like the movies, you can feel the emotion that the main character is going through and you sometimes put yourself in the place of the protagonist and feel a little of what the protagonist is going through but it cannot be genuine and real.

I prepared a little for the next events like exercising a little and studying a little from the books which were bought by my parents for my school. Honestly, I don't know why I really hate studying. I am not able to concentrate on it a little but had to pass a few hours for digestion.

After doing twenty pushups, situps and crunches, I feel my sore body. Although the amount is low, my body is that of a child so it can still be considered a lot for me. It's not like those stories where 2~3-year-old children go and slaughter the whole clans just because they called him a child or something.

{A/N: There was literally that ff that had an OP MC and he literally slaughtered the whole clan and its member. I have forgotten its name as I dropped it a few months ago.

I dropped it the next second he did so. I was like if you want to make an OP MC, at least make it a little logical and the reason behind the slaughter was also the same. They only called him a child and that's all. I think that it was an ATG ff...}

I then ran a few perimeters of the house to complete the mission requirement. Thankfully I was allowed to take a break during the run or I would have literally melted due to exhaustion.

My mother, the butler, the maid, and the Gardner watched me in confusion as usually I never did something like this.

My mother also asked the reason for my action to which I replied with 'shyness', "I want to become strong." Although my mother believed it after some excuses, probably my Trait pushed in and she believed me. In the end, she was still concerned and ordered the butler to take care of me after I have completed my exercise.

After completing the exercise, I was feeling my sore body. I felt a little good and almost thought that I was a mascot and inquired about it to my system. Thankfully, the main reason for feeling good and refreshed is because of my Perk [War Lord] working and my body will adapt to my training much faster than a normal person.

As I went to take the shower, I took out the Body Growth potion and drank it. It was advised to drink it when I have eaten and have prepared myself. I removed my clothes and as I waited a few seconds, that suddenly I almost collapsed as I felt my body grow weakened.

I felt some kind of fluid or liquid crawling inside my skin as if it is skimming through my whole body. I quickly supported myself as my institution told me to reach the basin quickly.

I quickly closed the bathroom door and supported myself in front of the basin as I felt like vomiting. Not long after that, I vomited a dark black liquid. It was very disgusting and I quickly rinsed my mouth and removed the liquid along with some breakfast leftovers.

After that, I examined if I got anything news but the most major thing that changed is that whenever I breathe, I feel very good and addicting; it's as if electricity is flowing through my whole body. I can even feel something(Mana) flowing through my whole body which is 'strengthening' my body.

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