Chapter 11- Force Unleashed and Nana is op!?

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For those who are confused about what the ### chapters signify? This and the next chapter will connect all the fragments. I thought that readers might be able to guess what might be happening but I think that I made them a little complex and confusing.
Sorry. Teehee~


(Ryo's POV)

I followed Nana and entered her house alongside her. Her house looks just similar to my house but it covers more area. Just the main hall is twice the size of my house. I greeted her parents and I tried to use my [Eyes of Truth] on them but unfortunately, I cannot find anything unusual about them but my Intuition is telling me to stay on guard.

They happily welcomed me and continued to do their own tasks. I have visited them many times for studies so they didn't ask any major questions except some minor ones like about my health, parents and my studies while trying to motivate me. I replied to them with a fake smile as I followed Nana to her room. Her room is just plain and simple like mine.

I quickly locked the door and instructed her to remove her clothes before she drink the Body Growth Potion. Although the name might indicate that it's only for the growth of the physical body but it actually also helps to form and open the Magic Core. Nana nodded her head as went to the bathroom and before entering it, she warned me, "No peaking, Ryo!" My lips twitched. It was as if she was inviting to peep her.

I nodded in affirmation as she entered the bathroom. I waited for a few minutes for her to drink the potion. After a short break, I heard a vomiting sound. Looks like she already drank it. I signed in relief was thinking that everything might go smooth that I suddenly heard her exclamation. It was as if she was astonished and scared of something. Something like this didn't happen so I quickly entered the bathroom. Her body was releasing small electric arcs as she was naked.

Without any arousing thoughts, I quickly checked her status with the help of my [Eyes of Truth]. The result astonished me.

Name: Nana Ivanovich Petrov
Gender: Female
Title: [Blessed by the Speed Force]
Bloodline: Human
HP(Health Points): 100%
MP(Mana Points): 100%
Traits: [Super Precision Eyes] [Fast Calculation]
Perks: [Speed Force] [Loved by Nature] [Short-time Thought Acceleration]
Magic Core: Speed Force
Current Core Stage: F-Rank 1st stage
Core Traits: [Speed Force: You are the being blessed by the Speed Force itself! Your main power is based on [Speed] and this type of core is specialized for Agility-based stats. Your body will get the ability to accelerate itself by 10~20 times of your normal [Agility] when using mana to strengthen your body. When using this power, small electric arcs will be released around your body.]
Body Power Rank: F (F)
Mind Power Rank: F- (F)
Soul Power Rank: F- (F-)]


[Super Precision Eyes: Your eyes are specialized to be able to watch any object from a very long distance and slow down their actions by accelerating your thinking speed. Your brain and eyes will be able to analyze any movement by slowing down the action your opponent is making. You are manually able to control whether you want to use this power or not. You can control this ability manually. Using it for longer durations will put a lot of stress on mind]

[Fast Calculation: You are able to calculate and analyze anything at a very fast rate. You can control this ability manually. Using it for longer durations will put a lot of stress on mind]



[Speed Force: A force formed out of the concept of speed has given you a blessing. Your core will be mainly based on [Agility] and you will be able to use and understand the Speed Force more easily and naturally]

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